Ask a Question Videos in List items

Hi! First thanks for Nicepage - it really got me hooked. My issue - I have this list with three list items. Each list item consist of titel, text, image and video. Videos get repeated across all list...
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Latest By Support Team

22 March 2022

Started 31 August 2020 by zekerijahsa

Ask a Question Different background for mobile possible?

Hello, what is the best way to create a background that should only be visible in the mobile version of the website? Because any changes to the background (whether for the theme or a block) will...
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04 September 2020

Started 02 September 2020 by Steffen1988

Ask a Question Ячейка

Здравствуйте! Как сделать всю ячейку блока ссылкой при наведении на которую появлялась тень, как например при запуске десктопной nicepage при выборе страницы?
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Latest By Support Team

08 September 2020

Started 04 September 2020 by Владимир

Ask a Question Gallery- different after update

Hi, I have just updated to the new version and when i preview my gallery, it is now displaying differently. I have not edited the page at all since previous version. I discovered the problem after...
2 Replies
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Latest By WebDesigner88

09 September 2020

Started 09 September 2020 by janinesart2

Ask a Question Ungroup separate items in a block

Hello Guys, how can I ungroup separate items in a block? For example, if I have three different columns in a service block and want to animate them differently, all three are always processed at...
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11 September 2020

Started 10 September 2020 by nad.matt14

Ask a Question Шапка

В редакторе мобильной версии у меня шапка сайте выглядит отлично, всё на своих местах. Однако на телефонах я захожу и все надписи съезжают непонятно куда. Я добился эффекта чтобы они хотябы читались и...
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10 September 2020

Started 10 September 2020 by sitemake20102

Ask a Question Can´t edit the Footer Content in NP

Hello, I added a Footer Block to my Site, but I can´t edit the content of the cells. Double click does´nt work. What do I wrong? Thanks for any hint. Cheers Markus
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18 September 2020

Started 17 September 2020 by gieri

Ask a Question Боковая панель (sidebar)

Я экспортировал свой макет сайта в HTML. Как мне добавить боковую панель на одну или каждую страницу?
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Latest By Support Team

21 September 2020

Started 19 September 2020 by Владимир

Ask a Question Nice page header and footer on Joomla pages (using full page)

On my joomla site, the pages that do not come up with Nicepage edit button, default to the nice page "Theme Header and Footer" which uses the page width. On the pages WITH the Nicepage edit button,...
4 Replies
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Latest By leibhold

23 September 2020

Started 22 September 2020 by leibhold

Ask a Question Dashed underline in hyperlinks

Hi, I like the hyperlinks on my websites to have dashed underlines. In order to achieve that, I have added some CSS code to the footer block (see att file). But now not only the hyperlinks in text,...
10 Replies
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18 February 2021

Started 23 September 2020 by DixQue

Ask a Question Blog posts element "filter posts by"

In Joomla, I have several articles assigned to a category I created called "News" On my homepage, I have added a "Blog posts" block and to that block I added the "Blogs posts" element. I then select...
11 Replies
3 Votes

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27 December 2023

Started 25 September 2020 by kinju_oz

Ask a Question Mobile vs Desktop Formatting

I am new to NP and perhaps I am confused. If I create a simple image gallery layout in Desktop view with a few images (either using grid or with other options), the layout is completely different in...
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06 October 2020

Started 03 October 2020 by charliekennamer

Ask a Question Can a post be displayed in different ways?

Hi. I really need you help to solve this! I would like my recent posts (say 6-8 of them) to be displayed on the right hand side of my page, in one column. One the left I want a big white block with...
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05 October 2020

Started 05 October 2020 by sanna9

Ask a Question How come that when i visualy create a page it does not show as has to be

Hi when I visually create a page the elements aren't showing on the right place, this is also with the spacing between blocks. The outcome on a websote isn't the same as in the visual page builder...
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08 October 2020

Started 08 October 2020 by jsnels1976fr

Ask a Question Text labels under image in gallery

Hello, I have image gallery. How can I add a text labels under the each picture? Thank you, Roman
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09 October 2020

Started 09 October 2020 by roman.senkyr