Ask a Question sauvegarde projet nicepage depuis worpress

Bonjour J'ai installé mes page nicepage sur wordpress, et j'aimerais faire une sauvegarde du projet depuis worpress. Comment faire ?
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Latest By Support Team

03 July 2024

Started 11 June 2024 by yoroy51

Ask a Question Block with list

Hi, I am using Nicepage on top of a Joomla site. When I use the position module in Nicepage to show a list of Joomla articles I always get a bulleted list of articles with the classic dot. Is there...
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Latest By lars158

03 July 2024

Started 02 July 2024 by lars158

Ask a Question Replace a word in entire project

Hi, I am changing the brand name would like to search and replace the brand name with the new one. Is there a way I could do that in 1 click instead of manually trying to replace each one? Thanks,
5 Replies
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Latest By MEHDI48

03 July 2024

Started 03 July 2024 by Teamworks

Ask a Question Product Variations

Hello, I could not find the editing area regarding product variations. As you can see in the attached picture, there are variations such as Size-XL,L,S. How can I change these selections to a...
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Latest By Support Team

03 July 2024

Started 03 July 2024 by mstcmyr

Ask a Question Import page from another website

I have a pages design by another company's (mentoring company Affiliate marketing Dude) Nice Page account as part of my purchase, could I move that to my account\registered website? If so how would i...
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Latest By Support Team

03 July 2024

Started 02 July 2024 by digistan56

Ask a Question Tab Title alignment in accordion

Hello, I have another question. It has already been answered for someone else in the forum, but it doesn't help me yet because I still don't have the prerequisites. It's about centering the font in...
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Latest By Support Team

03 July 2024

Started 27 June 2024 by Website-Rookie

Wishlist Turkmen Manat

Please create the ability to manually enter Turkmen manats for product prices
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Latest By Support Team

03 July 2024

Started 02 July 2024 by merdan777776

Ask a Question my third page can show up

Hello, my website design has been completed with 3 pages uploaded in total. However, upon checking, I noticed that only two pages are showing up. I have confirmed in my site settings that they are all...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

02 July 2024

Started 02 July 2024 by eathoynie

Ask a Question question to continue upload

Dear Support team, I am currently using Nicepage for first time but I am not able to purchase yet until next two weeks. My question is . "am I able to uploaded picture to my gallery still? " Thank...
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Latest By Support Team

02 July 2024

Started 02 July 2024 by tjipo25.6

Ask a Question whitelabel forms

is there a way we can get the forms to be truly white label? at the moment, the form email that's generated can't be customised, and there's a link to nicepage with a login link. this makes using...
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Latest By Support Team

02 July 2024

Started 01 July 2024 by marcus60

Ask a Question Joomla left + right sidebar

Hi, I need to have 2 sidebar in some of my Joomla blog template, how can I do it? There is only one option or the other but in some case I need both, why is not permitted? Thanks Nancy
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

02 July 2024

Started 05 June 2023 by A12 Web Studio

Wishlist Размеры и отступы элементов.

Добрый день! Хочу предложить такую возможность - устанавливать размеры и отступы элементов как в пиклелях(px) так и в процентах(%). Не только 100% но и к мпримеру 50% или 33% или 20% и...
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Latest By Support Team

02 July 2024

Started 01 July 2024 by isoftant

Ask a Question asynchronous interface requests help

Hello! Nicepage Team I am looking for a solution for my company's low-code designer and found you. I would like to ask if the designer supports asynchronous interface requests?
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Latest By Support Team

02 July 2024

Started 02 July 2024 by hefeng9800

Ask a Question Parallax Alternative

Hi, it's a shame the parallax option doesn't work on smaller devices with nicepage :/ I noticed quite a lot of users are asking for this and support have put it on a wishlist over the years but it...
5 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

01 July 2024

Started 28 June 2024 by slocky

Ask a Question Demande Menu personnalisé

Madame Monsieur Bonjour,! J'aimerais savoir s'il est possible de faire ce type de menu personnalisée ou pas ! Merci de votre aide ! Cordialement Corentin
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

01 July 2024

Started 30 June 2024 by Corentin