Ask a Question Nicepage desktop: Login form or login template block (the password field, does not hide the characters with ********)

Best regard, In nicepage desktop, I notice that you have two options, for user login, one is the HEADER AND MENU block, and the other is the LOGIN FORM block (which is the one I need, which occupies...
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Latest By Support Team

16 January 2023

Started 22 October 2021 by etorres

Report a bug Apply Style to or not working

I'm in v5.3.2 and when I click on a table cell and then click the tab under the "Apply Style To" in the right column and then apply a style (like a css class) ends up applying to all items, not just...
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Latest By Support Team

16 January 2023

Started 14 January 2023 by andrew659

Ask a Question Before \ After slider

Hi, is there a way to add a 'before \ after' image slider with nicepage?
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Latest By Support Team

16 January 2023

Started 02 January 2023 by kinjostudio


Hello. Do you have any website templates that would be suitable for use as a camshow site? Just your typical camshow site, where different individuals can set up a profile and host camshows. We plan...
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Latest By Support Team

16 January 2023

Started 13 January 2023 by jimlawrence12345

Ask a Question Build organization chart

Hi I'm testing the nicepage for comparison with other similar platforms and I need to know if we go with an official Paid license will be able to build an Organization chart by drag and drop with no...
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Latest By Support Team

16 January 2023

Started 15 January 2023 by amr.mobasher

Ask a Question Congrats for some features you've added since few versions ago!

I see you´re adding some great things since a few versions ago! That's great! Haven´t used them yet but the forms recently added capabilities seem to be very usefull. Thank you for your time and...
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Latest By Support Team

16 January 2023

Started 16 January 2023 by LGALLP

Ask a Question Online gemachte Änderungen zurückspeichern

Hallo! Was ich immernoch nicht verstehe ist, ob ich online gemachte Änderungen in Joomla über das Backend irgendwie zurückspeichern kann in die Desktopanwendung. Online ist meine Website fertig,...
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Latest By Support Team

16 January 2023

Started 15 January 2023 by kuhn.sybille

Ask a Question Comparison slider block and ticker effect

Hello! I am very glad to use your wonderful product. I have two questions. I would like to know how in NicePage it is possible to implement a block with a comparison slider, which is also called:...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

16 January 2023

Started 14 January 2023 by violas

Report a bug Parallax: pictures "jumps" after loading

Hi, when I use a picture as a background and declare this picture as parallax, the picture jumps after loading. See it on...
8 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By My Branch Website

15 January 2023

Started 22 September 2019 by kontakt27

Ask a Question open link on page open

Is it possible to embed a URL in a page and call it upon opening the page?
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Latest By Support Team

15 January 2023

Started 13 January 2023 by wjt

Ask a Question Funxionalityforevents

Hi I would like to make changes to my site but do not know how to get in to the back end again to make changes - do I unpublish ? But will it take me back to my builder page? Please help
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Latest By Support Team

15 January 2023

Started 15 January 2023 by funxionalityforevents

Ask a Question no menu on my pages

I have mainmenu. but I don't see menu in anypage and mainpage then publish. what is solution?
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Latest By Support Team

15 January 2023

Started 14 January 2023 by drozankahveci

Ask a Question Site is Build but I'm stuck after that

I built a site for joomla templte but I do not know how to publish it to my hosting. I'm way in over my head and I need to present this to my client at noon on Sunday Jan 15 can someone...
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Latest By nicepage20230111

14 January 2023

Started 14 January 2023 by mickibarker

Ask a Question Watermark

Hi I would like to ask if it is possible to remove the watermark when exporting a project so that you don't have to do it manually. Greetings Wojtek
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Latest By MerlinAZ

14 January 2023

Started 14 January 2023 by wojti.stefan

Wishlist Web application Admin pages layouts and related blocks

Hello! I think this is a great product and maybe could be even better. I'm a web developer and I often need to build administration web pages to be used in web applications. It would be a great thing...
2 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By adrianfar3245

14 January 2023

Started 13 September 2020 by stefano.pascolini