Ask a Question I cannot export my page as an image

Hi! The exporting to image option is not going well, could you look at it or tell me what am I doing wrong? Export > select image > export I think there is no mistery lol I attach the...
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Latest By Support Team

09 May 2021

Started 29 December 2019 by yo649

Ask a Question Обновление

Не совсем понимаю! На локальной версии NicePage обновления вполне понятны! А как происходят обновления шаблона когда шаблон уже установлен на сайте?
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Latest By vermont

30 December 2019

Started 30 December 2019 by vermont

Ask a Question How can I apply the theme from nice page to my own website?

How can I apply the theme from nice page to my own website?
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Latest By Support Team

21 January 2020

Started 30 December 2019 by artsdlight

Ask a Question Extra icon in header

I'm using Nicepage for my theme and Hikashop for my ecommerce. Everything is working perfectly and looks great. I would like to have a link to the hikashop checkout in my header. In the NP desktop...
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Latest By Support Team

30 December 2019

Started 30 December 2019 by kinju_oz

Ask a Question additional image opener

Hi Nicepage team, I just bought a subscription on your pro version for this wonderfull tool. I was wondering if in the future there will be options to install plugins like we had with Muse. So that...
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Latest By Support Team

30 December 2019

Started 30 December 2019 by e.fokkens2

Ask a Question Где брать сток изображения? И есть ли реферальная программа?

Здравствуйте. Есть ли отдельный сайт, где можно посмотреть и скачать изображения? Или такая возможность есть только внутри самой программы? Вроде, у меня есть возможность качать 30 штук в сутки. И...
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Latest By Support Team

08 January 2020

Started 30 December 2019 by 86darv2

Report a bug Why crash after copying text?

Every time when I want to copy SEO keywords or the SEO description text Nicepage prompts and reloads the page. Why? Does anyone has a tip to avoid that? Thanks Andries
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09 January 2020

Started 30 December 2019 by An3s

Ask a Question Simple lightbox

Hi, I just installed Simple lightbox (first time) and active it. But by default not working. Images are stored in upload folder (/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/). Do I need to change some setting to...
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Latest By Support Team

08 January 2020

Started 30 December 2019 by matic

Ask a Question Cannot update wordpress website page using plugin

Cannot update the WordPress website page using the plugin. So I have the website live... and looks great. I wanted to add a shortcode on the CONTACT page. I was able to add the Shortcode and save...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

31 December 2019

Started 30 December 2019 by vin439

Ask a Question Parallax Scrolling image

Have a nice day how to create an image shift like on
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Latest By Support Team

08 February 2021

Started 31 December 2019 by Lukas Jirman

Wishlist Custom HTML and its styling

Hello team, when I use custom HTML, because of some requirements, that are not yet available to use in NicePage, would it be possible to select whole custom HTML item and select from right panel if...
3 Replies
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Latest By michal84

04 January 2020

Started 31 December 2019 by michal84

Report a bug Date of files within the template misconfigured

Hello team, I have noticed, that files within the zipped template contains incorrect date/time. The offset is 60 minutes beyond my actual system time. In NicePage desktop application, there is no...
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Latest By Support Team

10 February 2020

Started 31 December 2019 by michal84

Ask a Question Sidebar and main content not flowing on page correctly

I have a page where I created a group containing two block elements. The left element is intended to be a sidebar so I gave it the position name - 'position-blogsidebar'. The right element is the blog...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

09 January 2020

Started 01 January 2020 by pchs19822

Ask a Question Picture button

Hello out there Happy new year :-) I`m comming with my first question in 2020. Is there a possibility to create buttons with a background picture in the menue like in Artisteer? Thanks in advance for...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

25 February 2022

Started 01 January 2020 by elektroknecht4

Report a bug Bug - Wordpress Plugin - Edit Menu Items - Chaning Name not possible

In Desktop Version I can go "My Site" -> Theme -> Header, select the Menu, select , select on a menu and in the "Link Settings Page" I have a Field "Text *" to edit the text to display for the menu...
6 Replies
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10 January 2020

Started 02 January 2020 by aegiCH