Ask a Question video pictures to my own server

Hello and good morning or afternoon nice page hopefully you're doing well and UPDAED first of all I'd like to say thank you for all the others you've been doing so far I love them I got a couple of...
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Latest By Support Team

16 March 2023

Started 14 March 2023 by support436


come mai pubblico il mio sito tramite link personalizzato e da cellulare non lo visualizzo in modalità mobile?
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Latest By Support Team

16 March 2023

Started 16 March 2023 by giorgiogiannuzzi1

Report a bug Whitelabel title space is displayed as underscore

Hi. There is a bug with the white label feature for wordpress. If I have a space in the title in the website settings for the whitelabel function, it is displayed with an underscore ( _ ) in...
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Latest By Support Team

16 March 2023

Started 16 March 2023 by xvemanuelvx

Ask a Question Site restoration

Hello! My computer broke down. How can I download desctop version of my site to desktop?
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Latest By MerlinAZ

16 March 2023

Started 16 March 2023 by zhoukovets2

Ask a Question license

Hi, regarding your license model just wanna be sure i understand properly. If i get the Subscription license, i have access to the tool for 1 year only but if it's license it's a lifetime access to...
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16 March 2023

Started 16 March 2023 by danygauvin651

Ask a Question Footer

Могу ли убрать надпись с footer не имея лицензии премиум подписки
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16 March 2023

Started 16 March 2023 by Askar

Ask a Question Schriftart ändert sich wenn Seite online geht.

Hallo, wenn ich eine Seite mit Nicepage erstelle mit einer bestimmten Schriftart im Menü und diese dann hochlade bzw online stelle wird mir die Schriftart umgestellt ihne mein zutun. Im Backend wird...
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16 March 2023

Started 16 March 2023 by dueft2

Ask a Question Update my website

Hello, I made a website using Nicepage about two years ago. Today my client asked me to update some informations. I did it on the desktop editor but am forced to renew my subscribtion in order to...
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16 March 2023

Started 15 March 2023 by yoaldes

Ask a Question html download

Why I cannot download a static html?
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16 March 2023

Started 16 March 2023 by residencialelbercial


Hola. Después de un par de años de usar Nicepage para crear plantillas de Wordpress me estoy dando cuenta que Nicepage en realidad está generando una especie de dependencia de la que no se puede...
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16 March 2023

Started 15 March 2023 by mattleshman

Ask a Question More words in the blog preview in Joomla

Hello, everything is fine in the editor, but as soon as I upload the template to wordpress or joomla, the text is shortened to only a few words. Can it be set somewhere? web page is:
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16 March 2023

Started 15 March 2023 by kaja_benes

Ask a Question built in hosting

does built in hosting come with email? Or do I need to source that elsewhere?
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Latest By kevin8222

15 March 2023

Started 14 March 2023 by kevin8222

Ask a Question copy paste

How to copy text from one webpage to another with formatting. For example I have made with Nicepage how I can copy this page content together with links to...
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15 March 2023

Started 15 March 2023 by jaanus

Ask a Question Formulaire personnalisé

Bonjour, quand on crée un formulaire vers un lien php personnalisé il ne semble pas possible de préciser la méthode "POST" et l'encryptage "MULTIPART FORM DATA" y a t il un moyen pour cela ? Merci.
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15 March 2023

Started 26 January 2023 by dawad89

Ask a Question Published?

My site says, it is published, but it does not appear anywhere, why?
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15 March 2023

Started 13 March 2023 by victor1221