Ask a Question Problem with blocks

I have a block and with 3 colums ,, if i put a picture , it appears in three columns... I want to put different pictures and different text in every column. I have tried in many ways but impossible....
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Latest By malik42

17 March 2023

Started 07 March 2023 by malik42

Ask a Question Website Export Shopify

Hi. How can I export my Website to Shopify? Or how can I convert my exported html-Site data to one html text? Please help me. Thanks
3 Replies
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Latest By biztechcs16

17 March 2023

Started 26 September 2020 by richter.mails

Wishlist Nicepage 5.7: March 17, 2023 - Page Designs In Add Panel

Dear Users and Followers! We are happy to present the release of the new Nicepage 5.7 update. What's New In This Update? Video Lesson: Grid Element Page Designs In Add Panel Search In Page...
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Latest By Support Team

17 March 2023

Started 17 March 2023 by Support Team

Ask a Question Contact confirmation only in English?

There is German and English content. But this does not change to the selected language.
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Latest By Support Team

17 March 2023

Started 17 March 2023 by robertZ121

Ask a Question How can I disable/remove Multi Language Parameters on Export for existing projects?

Hi, when exporting my HTML Project, every label and text hast always filled language parameters e.g. ... data-lang-en="Hello World" data-lang-de="Hello World" ... so that the HTML Code blows the...
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Latest By Support Team

17 March 2023

Started 17 March 2023 by extrivate1

Ask a Question How can I manage a multilanguage blog with nicepage ?

I am trying to include a dynamic 'blog posts' section on my homepage. However, I am unsure how to direct users to the correct language blog post. I have attempted to create different categories such...
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Latest By Support Team

17 March 2023

Started 14 March 2023 by AleVGlez

Wishlist Facebook Authorization

Dear Nicepage Community, We apologize for the temporary issues with the authorization via Facebook! If you used this option to log in to your Nicepage account, please do the following. Use the...
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3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

17 March 2023

Started 17 March 2023 by Support Team

Ask a Question I have problems to show a var in a text field of the HTML

Hello, I like to ask for help showing a PHP var, coming from a database in an input string with a Value= possibility Here I show the code that does not work with nicepage: Woonplaats: I see the...
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Latest By Support Team

17 March 2023

Started 15 March 2023 by a.vanderplas56

Ask a Question lost datas

Hello, I lost my pc with all my source files ,but for some reasons I remember a sort of uploading process that makes me think I might have stored these datas somewhere on your online/cloud platform....
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Latest By Support Team

17 March 2023

Started 17 March 2023 by evalhoest

Ask a Question TABs block

Hi i have been using tabs blocks for a web site and its been going really well but now if i add a new block i cant change fonts for titles or sub or text on the item background the tools do not...
2 Replies
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Latest By russellpainting2

17 March 2023

Started 16 March 2023 by russellpainting2

Ask a Question Header

is it possible to have a different background on different pages in your header?
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Latest By Support Team

17 March 2023

Started 16 March 2023 by kanz

Ask a Question How to remove published website? How to delete Static Site Generator?

I published my website to How to remove it so that I can upload an updated one? Also, how to remove "Best Website Design created with Static Site Generator."? Thanks
5 Replies
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Latest By siaoyan10work

17 March 2023

Started 01 February 2023 by wskdavid

Ask a Question LECTURE SEUL

Bonjour, je ne peux plus sauvegarder ni exporter car il est en lecture seul
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Latest By Support Team

16 March 2023

Started 16 March 2023 by famille.geraldes

Ask a Question Importing HTML

I am researching a tool for use with a future project. So far, I love you NicePage. It is the best editor I have come across. My only problem is that I have 100,000 existing pages, which I need it to...
4 Replies
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Latest By cj334

16 March 2023

Started 02 August 2021 by racecannon0110

Ask a Question Personal license

your site indicates that I can have 5 unhosted sites? What does that mean? I want to manage up to 5 sites and upload content. Your site indicates that the Personal License allows for that?
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Latest By MerlinAZ

16 March 2023

Started 16 March 2023 by will.sancheze