Ask a Question form integration with REST API

I'm looking into integrating the transvirtual API onto a website, and wondered if nicepage forms can handle standard HTTPS requests to create, fetch and delete data using HTTP Post, Put, and Delete...
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Latest By Support Team

17 April 2023

Started 17 April 2023 by marcus60

Ask a Question Blog post new window

Hi, I wrote a blog post, and it appeared correctly when I published it. But every time I open the post page, it doesn't open new windows. (It just brought me to each blog post page from the Home...
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17 April 2023

Started 16 April 2023 by dror.etzion

Ask a Question Fancy product designer

I wish you a good day. How to proceed so that Fancy product designer works in the created woocomerc theme via Nice pege? well thank you
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17 April 2023

Started 16 April 2023 by luborcirkes

Ask a Question How can improvement it error from my server plugin

I would like to improve error for Rank Math : Minify Javascript Does your site use minified JavaScript? How to fix Some Javascript files don't seem to be...
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17 April 2023

Started 15 April 2023 by iva143

Ask a Question how seo works

can you show me something to understand how seo indexing works? thank you Nikos Sarantopoulos
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17 April 2023

Started 15 April 2023 by nsarantopoulos68

Ask a Question Problem with wordpress export

Dear all, i have a Problem with the path, when i will export the homepage with wordpress:
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16 April 2023

Started 16 April 2023 by wolfgang.tomek2351

Wishlist Remove hamburger menu in mobile views

Hi. I would like to remove the hamburger menu in the mobile view. I need two menus for my website that I can edit in wordpress. In one of the menus I want to specify the individual pages, while the...
7 Replies
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16 April 2023

Started 26 January 2023 by xvemanuelvx

Ask a Question I am using Joomla 4

I have followed all instructions, yet my site does not display properly Its an empty page with only HOME displayed. The articles are there, and when I click on the Home article, it shows the page in...
5 Replies
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16 April 2023

Started 16 April 2023 by melvin185

Ask a Question Trial Period

HI, is it possible to get pro version for Trial Period. I need to check the quality of the custom WordPress theme. Thank you.
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16 April 2023

Started 16 April 2023 by maro.webdeveloper

Ask a Question Muse

Judging from the users who are annoyed that Adobe disconnected their Typekit from Muse, it might be worth developing an easy import widget. Just an idea.
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16 April 2023

Started 16 April 2023 by edsuter

Report a bug loading problem after update to Vers. 5.8.2

Good Day after update to version 5.8.2 we are not able to lod desktop version anymore \see video: plase advice
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Latest By noobcrypt33

16 April 2023

Started 16 April 2023 by

Ask a Question Cannot publish Website

I have the Pro License and wanted to test-publish a website to a Domain. It said I can only have 5 websites published so I unpublished 2. When i tried again it still said I can have no...
3 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

16 April 2023

Started 16 April 2023 by Plastotech AG

Ask a Question Premium account but premium features not activated

Hello, I have an activated premium licence (account N° 15414132) but have no access to features marked as premium. Why is this? Thanks. Best, Jean-Luc
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Latest By jeanlucfornier

16 April 2023

Started 16 April 2023 by jeanlucfornier

Ask a Question Where to upload Ownership verification HTML file

I need to upload an HTML file generated by google for the ownership. see attached. Please tell me where can i upload it. It should fulfil the requirements from the following link...
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Latest By Support Team

16 April 2023

Started 15 April 2023 by molla.chouse

Ask a Question my content does not show in joomla

I have added the nicepage plugin for joomla, created a theme then exported it (yes ticked all boxes for content, menus etc) and used joomla to import as template. It is not a big site, only one page...
16 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By melvin185

16 April 2023

Started 07 September 2019 by JMC