Ask a Question How to do?

Hello How can I do in NicePage what I attach in the image at the following address: Thank you
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Latest By Support Team

04 May 2023

Started 04 May 2023 by Alimentarius

Ask a Question Insertar un modulo de joomla en una posición

Estoy intentando insertar un módulo de joomla y una ventana flotante en una posición de una página creada con Nicepage. El módulo y la ventana está creado con otro programa AcyMailing. Le he...
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04 May 2023

Started 23 April 2023 by dronsenderistas

Report a bug nice page error

why my nice page always loading?
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04 May 2023

Started 04 May 2023 by waayidahtugas

Ask a Question Multi-Language

Hi Support, I need to translate my exsiting site from englist to chinese, But I am not clear how to do it. Is it use nicepage desk top version to complete translation and export the file and upload...
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04 May 2023

Started 20 April 2023 by moonwongjw2

Ask a Question шапка страниц

Как сделать шапку для одних страниц прозрачную, а для других с заливкой. На главной ставлю прозрачный, на других страница в автоматический ставиться прозрачный.
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04 May 2023

Started 04 May 2023 by sogrina8anna

Ask a Question multilingue WOOCOMMERCE

I created a site with nicepage multi language. I put it on wordpress everything works fine but I have a problem. with my product page!! (woocommerce) My question how to send a user who browses the...
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04 May 2023

Started 24 November 2022 by pictimeschool

Ask a Question Shopping Cart Question

Can i design a website to sell online and send it to my wordpress? How or using any package to achieve?
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04 May 2023

Started 01 May 2023 by anbuideveloper

Ask a Question Symbols for the Menubar

Dear Nicepage Support Team, I am a user of your Nicepage plugin for WordPress and I have a question regarding the menu bar feature. I was wondering if it would be possible to add symbols to the menu...
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04 May 2023

Started 04 May 2023 by passi33pp

Wishlist Assign CSS classes in the global theme settings

Is it possible to assign CSS classes to elements in the global theme settings? For example, so that this CSS class is automatically applied to all H1 elements, and I do not have to add it to each...
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04 May 2023

Started 04 May 2023 by xvemanuelvx

Ask a Question Where can i edit the SEO Data for blog posts?

Hello, maybe I be blind because I can't find the Option to edit the SEO Data if I write a Blog Post. I use this for an HTML Page. Greets Andy
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04 May 2023

Started 03 May 2023 by andy174

Ask a Question Agregar contador de visitas

Hola amigos, necesito poner un contador de visitas a mi sitio web HTML nicepage, en el pie de página ¿cómo lo hacen ustedes?
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Latest By Support Team

04 May 2023

Started 03 May 2023 by mvelarde422

Ask a Question Modal popup issue

So i was very excited when i read that modal popups had been implemented but i can't seem to get it to work the way i want it. I previously just had a hyperlink which opened a new page and now use...
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03 May 2023

Started 10 October 2020 by alanjg

Ask a Question SEO & Sitemap

Hello, I am looking to reference my website on Google Search Console. The sitemap adress I created via (I also tried other sites) is not valid for my website...
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Latest By Support Team

03 May 2023

Started 28 April 2023 by loouschmitt

Ask a Question Booking button

Hi So if you look at past messages i told you guys that when someone fills in their information and books on the website it takes over 5 seconds to react and say your message has been sent. You told...
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03 May 2023

Started 03 May 2023 by Kandyshop auto spa

Ask a Question Only one site in personal mode it says 5

Only one site works in the personal mode it says 5. I am on a short deadline this is huge problem for me!
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Latest By gmarkovanovic

03 May 2023

Started 03 May 2023 by gmarkovanovic