Ask a Question GIbt es eine Tastenkombination um die letzte Aktion zu wiederholen?

Hallo Nicepage-Support-Team, Gibt es eine Möglichkeit mit einer Taste oder Kombination die letzte Aktion zu wiederholen? Z.b. wenn man einer Table eine Row hinzugefügt hat, damit das immer wieder...
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Latest By Support Team

28 April 2023

Started 28 April 2023 by WFmedia

Wishlist New Features

Hello, I would like to request the following features: progress bar, countdown timer, progress circle, annual table x lifetime (when clicked on the button toggles the values), and gallery by...
8 Replies
8 Votes

Latest By Support Team

28 April 2023

Started 17 March 2021 by Gilson_RG

Wishlist DashBoard

I wish there were templates for admin dashboards. Is there any possibility of this being implemented?
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

28 April 2023

Started 28 April 2023 by Gilson_RG

Wishlist WhiteLabel Reseller with Client CMS

"White Label Reseller with Client CMS" didn't you know, most of the web developer/designer and I'm one of them are getting lost in the "whitelabel" edition? This is since nicepage does not have a...
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Latest By Support Team

28 April 2023

Started 23 April 2023 by Mr.DevOps

Report a bug Joomla Save & Close doesn´t work

Hi it doensn´t work changing the page template from "Nicepage Header and Footer" and clicking "Save & Close" afterwards. So no changes will be done. When I change ist in the same way, but...
2 Replies
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28 April 2023

Started 18 April 2023 by kontakt27

Ask a Question site perdu

Bonjour comment recuperer mon travail, il y a eu un pb Marjorie
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28 April 2023

Started 27 April 2023 by marjorie.dill

Ask a Question Latest Update / How to add category to product list?

Good Morning, in your latest update, you mentioned the following: Advanced Filter For Products And Posts We have implemented the vertical Categories, which you can add to the Product List and ...
3 Replies
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28 April 2023

Started 27 April 2023 by pacificstorm1

Ask a Question I cant upload theme

I am new user I try upload theme But I cant upload it on WP. I am getting at the below Error. PublishNicePageCss parameter missing
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28 April 2023

Started 28 April 2023 by khanbilisim

Wishlist social media icons

Hi, Would it be possible to include support for Mastodon in the social media section? thanks! peter
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28 April 2023

Started 28 April 2023 by corelanc0d3r

Ask a Question tabs

Hi np, is there a way to give a tab box an outline? cant find anything? Thx Ralf
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28 April 2023

Started 28 April 2023 by innovis_medienagentur

Ask a Question Change text to link

I have a schedule page for a rock band. I'd like the name of the venue to be a link to their website. When I highlight the text and create it, the entire text block becomes the link. The caption field...
7 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

28 April 2023

Started 24 April 2023 by wardomon2

Ask a Question Remove Auto Mute From Video Element For The 1000th Time

Can you stop this auto mute rubbish on the video element for the 1000th time of asking it never had this before it means you can't make background music videos for your pages which i want because the...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

28 April 2023

Started 27 April 2023 by

Ask a Question Doubt

On April 13, I renewed my plan (basic), which allows me to create 5 sites. I have already used the 5 sites, my question is, can I pay for an extension of my basic plan and access 5 more sites or...
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Latest By Support Team

28 April 2023

Started 28 April 2023 by aosc83

Ask a Question Landing Page-subdomain

Hello, we are using niceapage to create landing pages for our website, we need to publish the landing pages online and we need our sub-domain to be shown, we already have our domain, we just need to...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

27 April 2023

Started 26 April 2023 by info102082

Ask a Question Widgets on Nicepage editor in Wordpress

Hi, I'm struggle to find out how to add my widgets and plug in's that I have downloaded from wordpress into the nicepage editor on wordpress? e.g facebook feed and events manager calender? Thanks
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

27 April 2023

Started 27 April 2023 by zoe1382