New User - images and design not sending with email

2 Posts
maxmcauley posted this 28 January 2021
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Hi - I am new to using Nicepage and have created a perfect HTML file for what we need.. but when I send the file via email the pictures do not show up for the recipient (or for me when I view the file in my sent folder).


Thanks so much.

Hi - I am new to using Nicepage and have created a perfect HTML file for what we need.. but when I send the file via email the pictures do not show up for the recipient (or for me when I view the file in my sent folder). help!! Thanks so much.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 01 February 2021

Hi, maxmcauley,
Thanks for using Nicepage!

If you are using a desktop version your site may be exported in HTML as a folder, ZIP file or at FTP.
To send someone your site with all structure and images you need to send whole created folder or ZIP file.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, maxmcauley, Thanks for using Nicepage! If you are using a desktop version your site may be exported in HTML as a folder, ZIP file or at FTP. To send someone your site with all structure and images you need to send whole created folder or ZIP file. ................................................... Sincerely, Sahin Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
2 Posts
maxmcauley posted this 01 February 2021

Thanks support team! I tried this.. but the recipient is saying they are getting an alert that the attachments contain malware and cannot be opened as a result.. any idea?


Thanks support team! I tried this.. but the recipient is saying they are getting an alert that the attachments contain malware and cannot be opened as a result.. any idea? Thanks!
Support Team
Support Team posted this 02 February 2021


Are you trying to use Nicepage generated page as the email template? Nicepage does not provide email templates. They need a specific structure with embedded CSS and attached images.

but the recipient is saying they are getting an alert that the attachments contain malware and cannot be opened as a result..

In general, this is a standard message displayed in cases when the image has a remote location (not attached to the email).

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Are you trying to use Nicepage generated page as the email template? Nicepage does not provide email templates. They need a specific structure with embedded CSS and attached images. > but the recipient is saying they are getting an alert that the attachments contain malware and cannot be opened as a result.. In general, this is a standard message displayed in cases when the image has a remote location (not attached to the email). ................................................... Sincerely, Olivia Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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