Ask a Question Product Details elelment in page in not responding to Sku?

When I add a product details block to my page and enter the sku for the product it does not work. It chooses a random item and stays there. Also tested in Live mode. I need help resolving this. Is...
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Latest By kostasatwork

09 October 2021

Started 08 October 2021 by kostasatwork

Ask a Question buying a licence

Hi, On your nicepage app that i have installed on my desktop it says 50% discount for today only, and yet i click it and then end up on your website and it is not 50% (unless purchase the expensive...
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Latest By Support Team

11 October 2021

Started 11 October 2021 by robroost55

Ask a Question Look at my free none official Nicepage PDF Guide

Here is a simple link to my under construction free pdf none official Nicepage pdf guide: Free NoneOfficial Nicepage PDF Guide There is many things i must do. It take my self some time. As peoples i...
25 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

03 March 2022

Started 12 October 2021 by sfavron

Ask a Question Change H4 tags to H1

Hi Nicepage Guru's, I have an question. Can somebody explane to me how i can change the H4 headers on my site? I copied some pages and i guess that that is the reason that something went wrong with...
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Latest By Support Team

21 October 2021

Started 19 October 2021 by erikvankilsdonk

Report a bug No elements or blocks for ecommerce

I am looking for specifically 3 blocks/ elements in the design, but cannot find them. 1. A search in hero space (attached, which is same as the one in nicepage) 2. A sidebar filter (second...
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Latest By Support Team

22 October 2021

Started 21 October 2021 by rajitha.girijadevi


It has been a long time since other users have requested to have a url length greater than 30 characters. Frankly, this size is very small and I think they should expand it immediately. I hope a...
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Latest By Support Team

28 October 2021

Started 28 October 2021 by eduprds

Ask a Question Can I blog in Nicepage without using Wordpress?

I'd like to have a blog in my site, but I really don't want to use WordPress - it is such a pain and high maintenance. I want to keep the site in HTML. Is it possible to create blogs only in...
4 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

01 September 2022

Started 29 October 2021 by stephen2202

Ask a Question L' elemento Produt list- Carousel non funziona bene con joomla virtuemart

Hi I renewed the subscription in Nicepage Pro Edition because I am building a site in Joomla Vurtuemart The Produt list-Carousel item does not work well well - In the first case it does not always...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

08 November 2021

Started 03 November 2021 by Studio Creativity

Ask a Question Rtl feature

I need a Rtl feature, Please, add it to NicePAGE! I build sites in RTL mode and I need it. If this possible? Thank you!
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Latest By Support Team

05 November 2021

Started 05 November 2021 by Segal

Ask a Question Possible bug. Nicepage not overwriting new data

I'm not sure if this is a bug, or a problem with my host. I've made changes to almost every page on my website, and when I run an SEO checker (several in fact) it tells me there is two meta...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

12 November 2021

Started 07 November 2021 by dtsaudio188

Ask a Question Mobile Menu Editing

Hello, Please advise me on how to edit the mobile menu on the left hand side. kind regards Kobus Smit
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Latest By MerlinAZ

15 November 2021

Started 15 November 2021 by kobusdotsmit

Ask a Question Deleted and can not find it anymore

Hello on the app I had on the right site all the information of the the block or element. By accident I closed it and I can not find it where I can get it back. You know what I mean? Thanks ahead.
3 Replies
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Latest By carmen94

19 November 2021

Started 18 November 2021 by carmen94

Wishlist BLACK FRIDAY & CYBER MONDAY SALE 2021! Get Up To 60% Off! 🌟

Dear Users and Followers! We are happy to present Nicepage 4.0 finalizing a fruitful year! Every day we get feedback from you. It helps us to understand how to improve and make our product better....
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4 Votes

Latest By Support Team

24 November 2021

Started 24 November 2021 by Support Team

Report a bug License will not give access to premium features

Hi, I am working on the desktop app and my license is activated. However, whenever I wish to add a premium block to my design, I am unable to use it. A pop-up appears requiring me to activate my...
6 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

04 April 2022

Started 25 November 2021 by patriciasmsantos

Ask a Question link a word to another page

Hello! Can you guys help me? Im trying to link a word to another page but did not work. Thanks
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Latest By Support Team

26 November 2021

Started 25 November 2021 by r.rexyofficial