Ask a Question How do I get blog posts designed in Nicepage to open Blog Details in Nicepage? At the moment the Blog posts just open in Generic wordpress details page layout?

I have inserted the blog posts element into a blank block (editing with Nicepage editor). That has worked well. However, I created a page with another blank block and inserted the Post details...
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Latest By Support Team

30 August 2023

Started 30 August 2023 by ian.bradbury

Ask a Question Подключить капчу

Подскажите как подключить невидимую капчу на главную страницу, не на форму.
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30 August 2023

Started 30 August 2023 by brainnsm

Ask a Question OOPs please Help

bonjour voici ma galerie crée avec votre logiciel : SVP j'ai perdu le dossier sur mon imac pour ré-ouvre mon site avec votre logiciel. D'apres mon site en...
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30 August 2023

Started 16 January 2020 by second-life4

Ask a Question ReCaptcha V2

Hi there, I'm struggling to add ReCaptcha V2. If I input the keys for the V2 captcha, it doesn't appear on my screen. Is it not a feature yet?
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Latest By webmaster543

30 August 2023

Started 24 August 2023 by webmaster543

Ask a Question Copyright script problem

On a new site when I try to add a copyright script: <p>© {source}&lt;?php<br /> ini_set('date.timezone', 'Africa/Johannesburg');<br />$startYear = 2007;<br /> $thisYear =...
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30 August 2023

Started 29 August 2023 by Romuba

Ask a Question How to add javascript code

How can I add java script code?
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30 August 2023

Started 29 August 2023 by anselkelman

Ask a Question boton whatsapp

Hola, como pongo el boton de whastapp para que siempre este visible en la parte inferior derecha? desde la plantilla, muchas gracias
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30 August 2023

Started 30 August 2023 by web5162

Ask a Question Lifetime License on two computers.

Hi there, I am thinking about purchasing the Personal Lifetime License of Nicepage, but I have one question before doing so. I would like to know it this license will allow me to use the desktop...
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29 August 2023

Started 29 August 2023 by celioworking

Ask a Question License discrepancies

I thought I had a lifetime access to the homepage templates. Only not to updates when the license expired. Do I have to renew again?
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29 August 2023

Started 29 August 2023 by seb.wulf1983

Ask a Question My project file is missing in the desktop version

In My Mac book pro I was working on a project file and since I didn't open it for a month it got lost now, need my project file now immediately. Kindly let me know what I can do about it. Regards,
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Latest By Support Team

29 August 2023

Started 29 August 2023 by shabinassppim

Wishlist What is the difference between font-size and font-style properties?

FontItalic specifies whether the component’s text should be italic or not. FontSize specifies whether the component’s text is BIG or small, with the unit as points. FontTypeface specifies whether the...
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Latest By Support Team

29 August 2023

Started 29 August 2023 by erynturner9

Wishlist Site name has already been used

Perhaps this is a feature request, or perhaps there is already a way to do this and I just don't know ... but I would LOVE IT if I could work on Nicepage Desktop Machine A and export my project, then...
4 Replies
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Latest By peterjreiner

28 August 2023

Started 26 August 2023 by peterjreiner

Ask a Question Mobile phone only site

I am building an app I want a mobile phone only site, i have tried but no idea what to do I used theme but it does not function.
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28 August 2023

Started 18 August 2023 by rdrutan

Ask a Question joomla extension

I have build all my pages form nicepage joomla extension and I have checked if I save nicepage header and footer but its switch back to the joomla theme and my menu bar is missing as well
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28 August 2023

Started 07 April 2020 by gerrard.xcc

Ask a Question I can't install the nicepage plugin on wordpress via plesk

Hello, I can't install the nicepage plug in version 5.16 on wordpress, it says that the link has expired.
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28 August 2023

Started 28 August 2023 by soluzeo44