Ask a Question Difference between suscription and license

I need to know the difference in ALL the details between being premium PRO by subscription and by license since I am very interested in being premium PRO. I understand that the license is for life,...
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Latest By Support Team

22 November 2023

Started 02 November 2023 by marcosbustamantemateo

Ask a Question Joomla 5

I get a warning about the System - Nicepage Content Editor plugin, that it has a potential upgrade issue. Is the plugin compatible with Joomla5? It shows version 1.0.0.
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Latest By Support Team

02 November 2023

Started 02 November 2023 by tsaldrin


Hello i have version 4.12 of nice page . i am working on site i did but when i insert a youtube video integrator there is nicepage logo on the left upper side. how can i delete the nicepage logo on...
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03 November 2023

Started 03 November 2023 by abramsdj

Ask a Question Cann i take par days free for check the product?

Can i take par days free for check the product? BR Marcin Otto
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06 November 2023

Started 03 November 2023 by marcin.otto31

Ask a Question What a Scam, lost 2 of my sites

You provided a update, but failed to mention that my updates subscription ran out..I installed not knowing this.. and sent me back to a starter plan and lost 2 of my sites (even after I reverted to...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

06 November 2023

Started 06 November 2023 by dmas

Ask a Question A FREE TRAIL

Hello. Nicepage Before renew can i have a free trail for two weeks please. Best Regards Abraham Azie
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Latest By bangdooblejumping88

09 November 2023

Started 06 November 2023 by abramsdj

Ask a Question images don't show up on website

hello there :) im new to making websites and am having issues with the images ive atteached the zip files and also 2 screen shots one showing the website in the designing phase and one from the...
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07 November 2023

Started 07 November 2023 by brewzino

Ask a Question Nicepage desktop windows does not load, does not start

I've been trying for a few days but nicepage desktop windows won't start. I have already tried on other desktop windows I already uninstalled and installed the new version but it doesn't open Please...
4 Replies
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10 November 2023

Started 08 November 2023 by JPR

Ask a Question How to add other people to work with

Hello Guys! I bought the Business Plan and it would say that i can give clients or editors special logins through Content Editors but I cannot find this option. Could you help?
4 Replies
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Latest By LWT Schelle

10 November 2023

Started 09 November 2023 by indexonaweb

Ask a Question Joomla 5

Hello my friends, When will there be a version for Joomla 5? Is it planned? thank you
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09 November 2023

Started 09 November 2023 by moewe

Ask a Question fonts

i have a version pro et i try to change font in the first page They tell me that I have to subscribe to a premium version
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10 November 2023

Started 10 November 2023 by monsieurcouteaux

Ask a Question Joomla 5

Will NP templates exported to Joomla4 work with Joomla 5?
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13 June 2024

Started 10 November 2023 by mitch57132

Ask a Question JOOMLA! 5 Compatibility Question - Again

Has Nicepage been upgraded so the Joomla! Extension works with Version 5, and the stand-alone version. I am sure there are many of us long-time users diligently waiting for Nicepage to become...
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Latest By MerlinAZ

10 November 2023

Started 10 November 2023 by 200mph2

Ask a Question Nicepage et Joomla 5

Bonjour, est ce que Nicepage et Joomla 5 sont compatible ?
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14 November 2023

Started 11 November 2023 by lrt.alexandre

Report a bug gallery / thumbnail issues

updated to most recent release 2023-11-12 and issue appears to have been fixed I have installed three small galleries with thumbnails installed in sequence across a page laterally. Center gallery...
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13 November 2023

Started 12 November 2023 by btoole