Joomla 5

1 Posts
tsaldrin posted this 02 November 2023
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I get a warning about the System - Nicepage Content Editor plugin, that it has a potential upgrade issue. Is the plugin compatible with Joomla5? It shows version 1.0.0.

I get a warning about the System - Nicepage Content Editor plugin, that it has a potential upgrade issue. Is the plugin compatible with Joomla5? It shows version 1.0.0.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 02 November 2023

Hello Tommy,
Thanks for choosing Nicepage!

Our team is actively working on updates to make Nicepage compatible with Joomla 5.0.

Keep an eye on Nicepage's official website or announcements for updates regarding Joomla 5.0 compatibility.

Once an update is available, you should be able to use Nicepage with Joomla 5.0

Negat Veri
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Tommy, Thanks for choosing Nicepage! Our team is actively working on updates to make Nicepage compatible with Joomla 5.0. Keep an eye on Nicepage's official website or announcements for updates regarding Joomla 5.0 compatibility. Once an update is available, you should be able to use Nicepage with Joomla 5.0 ................................................... Sincerely, Negat Veri Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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