Wishlist Exported project functions.php file

I have written several custom actions and functions for use in the functions.php file. After importing the theme I have to manually edit the functions.php file to include them. When exporting the...
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Latest By Support Team

07 May 2020

Started 07 May 2020 by email_ar

Ask a Question export and self hosting

I have reviewed your website and watched some videos. To be clear - I can use Nicepage, export and host with any hosting provider? or export files to y desktop to review fully?
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11 May 2020

Started 10 May 2020 by colt2

Ask a Question Export import

I am working on a site and I would like to be able to export the page to the production site. I saw on the forum that this was not possible. Can you write it in the wishes. Thank you and good...
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Latest By Support Team

25 May 2020

Started 24 May 2020 by claude.delesse

Ask a Question WooComerce building supported, but what does export is on roadmap mean?

In the Pricing list it is written that WooCommerce ist support. It says you can build pages for WooCommerce but for export ist says it is still in roadmap? How should i understand that, i can...
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25 May 2020

Started 24 May 2020 by kkip3

Ask a Question Can I export a nicepage project to powerpoint

Hi I want to build a presentation in PowerPoint can I do so and please suggest how by steps
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17 March 2022

Started 09 June 2020 by CBATEC

Ask a Question cannot export after update

Hi, since the last update I am not able to export anymore. It states "An error occured. Export not completed" (original in german, I translated it) Please help.
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16 June 2020

Started 13 June 2020 by punktown

Ask a Question Export website

It is indicated that the free version (Starter) allows HTML export: https://nicepage.com/premium Except when I test, the system asks me to switch to a prenium version. Normal ?
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23 June 2020

Started 20 June 2020 by dc7015ac-68f3-4e2d-9463-07d5415b3c86

Ask a Question export from online editor (Wordpress)

Hello, I just finished a Demo Webpage. Everyone is fine with layout and contents, and I finally was said I am able to transfer to the live page. How do I transport the project from one page to...
4 Replies
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Latest By a2undb2gleichc2

26 June 2020

Started 25 June 2020 by a2undb2gleichc2

Ask a Question Exporting Content

Hello out there Is it also possible to export content from the post template and the blog tempate section of the windows application or are this just examples in the app how it may look online? Thanks...
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30 June 2020

Started 29 June 2020 by elektroknecht4

Ask a Question clean js code in Wordpress theme export

Hello, I'm trying to export my website as a WordPress theme, but unfortunately I have an unreadable JS code. Is there a way to export it clean with Nicepage?
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08 July 2020

Started 04 July 2020 by gmarsch3

Ask a Question Nicepage Wordpress Design export to another Wordpress

How can I export a design from Wordpress to another Wordpress installation? Thanks
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07 July 2020

Started 06 July 2020 by Stefan MAIL: kontakt@support-info.de

Ask a Question Projekte können nicht mehr exportiert werden

Beim Exportieren bekomme ich jetzt eine Fehlermeldung : siehe Anhang. Es geht nur um das Speichern auf dem eigenen PC. Über eine schnelle Lösung freue ich mich.
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

16 July 2020

Started 16 July 2020 by Dorfphotograph

Ask a Question The size of the exported zip file is too big

"The size of the exported zip file is too big" I keep getting the above message every time I try to export my site to WP. Exports via FTP are fine. First, the message said 23mb was too big, so I...
8 Replies
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Latest By karindfigueroa_99

24 September 2020

Started 19 July 2020 by rcmcatering2

Ask a Question Export HTML is now for paid only?

So, I've used Nicepage now 3 times in total, last time I was using it could be 2 months ago. Now I've noticed, that the Export Function, what was the only good thing besides those other...
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Latest By Support Team

30 July 2020

Started 24 July 2020 by ext.sypher

Ask a Question export as html and use in django

Hey, When I am exporting my page from the desktop version as an HTML, I push it to git and the HTML works. But when I use all the folder in my django project, the static files do not work. Django...
7 Replies
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28 April 2021

Started 27 July 2020 by genadym