Wishlist feature suggestion

It would be nice if there was a dashboard and/or a way to get to existing pages rather than only new page option.
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Latest By Support Team

14 November 2018

Started 12 November 2018 by yumasan2

Ask a Question Joomla links

how can I get raid of this: https://okpta.org/index.php/ct-menu1-item2/mission --> https://okpta.org/index.php/mission I need stuff like this not to show --> ct-menu1-item2 I have tried everything...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

06 November 2018

Started 02 November 2018 by oseirichard12

Ask a Question nicepage

mobile menu proplem???
19 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

26 October 2018

Started 12 October 2018 by kontakt

Ask a Question Problems headers and footers in Joomla

With the desktop version I created a website with different pages incl. Header and footer and imported into Joomla, template and content. Unfortunately, the website does not show parts of: • Header...
7 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

24 October 2018

Started 09 August 2018 by consulting

Ask a Question Menu in different screensizes

I made a vertical menu in a header. Used vertical because i don't want to change the text into an icon when the screensize is small. Works fine for most screensizes, but not for the mobile view. ( see...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

22 October 2018

Started 22 October 2018 by Willem

Ask a Question Bug in change menu Icon

There is a bug in the change menu Icon dropdown menu. it does not scroll correctly then will freeze the program momentarily.
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

12 September 2018

Started 08 September 2018 by jjhypnotist

Ask a Question How to Add predefined menu's in my page?

Hi support, How can I insert a predefined menu in my page so not a homemade I mean because that I totally not because find them nowhere and that you can choose which type of menu you can...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

03 September 2018

Started 03 September 2018 by stephane.fonteyne

Report a bug Distance menu elements

The distance between the menu items can not really be changed. It always remains a far too big distance.
13 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

16 August 2018

Started 12 August 2018 by consulting

Report a bug Sticky Menu not working on mobile mode

Hello , I have been testing some time nicepage, and saw the new update. I tried to make a new 2 page site, and put the header on sticky mode. this works great for the desktop mode, but for some...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

23 April 2018

Started 22 April 2018 by shaulhadar