Ask a Question Regarding your testimonial template

I just want to use your testimonial. Can I use it for free? Can I upload at my hosting space for free? Can I just upload...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

16 December 2020

Started 12 December 2020 by

Ask a Question Changing items in shopping cart template

I'm trying to use the new shopping cart template, however, I can't change the names of the products, or the header of the table, basically any field. How do I change the products to my own?
2 Replies
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Latest By sabrinacosta

14 December 2020

Started 13 December 2020 by sabrinacosta

Ask a Question WordPress templates and the Nicepage plugin

Am I the only one who's been slow to realise that if I create a template in Nicepage desktop (with no Nicepage pages) and export that and import it to a WordPress install, I don't need the Nicepage...
4 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Alan Henness

17 December 2020

Started 16 December 2020 by Alan Henness

Wishlist Amazon Product Link Template

Hello, can you add an Amazon Product Link Template to the wishlist for those of us who don’t want to sell anything on our website but instead prefer to link with Amazon to provide a shopping list of...
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3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

17 December 2020

Started 17 December 2020 by pbnjface

Wishlist Disable template options for clients

I wish that the client's license did not have the options to import ready-made templates, whether pages or blocks. And that this could be configured on the NicePage desktop.
2 Replies
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Latest By Gilson_RG

21 December 2020

Started 20 December 2020 by Gilson_RG

Ask a Question Creating a MS Word-like template

Good day. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Is there a way to make a page in All Pages into a MS Word-like template. I know the terms "template," and "theme" get used interchangeably in WordPress...
2 Replies
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Latest By esr2016

22 December 2020

Started 21 December 2020 by esr2016

Wishlist Nicepage 3.3: December 28, 2020 - HTML Blog. Sidebar on Product Templates

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2021! Dear Nicepage Users and Followers! We are thankful to all Nicepage community members for a wonderful, nevertheless rather challenging year. We have made...
13 Replies
4 Votes

Latest By aaanupes

18 January 2021

Started 28 December 2020 by Support Team

Ask a Question Joomla template Mobile format

Hi, I have make a Joomla template from a blanck template and it is very difficult to adjust this template for the 4 others formats. My web site is It is possible to...
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Latest By Support Team

05 January 2021

Started 01 January 2021 by laurent.magnin

Ask a Question template

why cant i upload a ready made template and edit on your application? I have a bought template i just need to edit to suit my what i need it for on my assignment.
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Latest By MerlinAZ

02 January 2021

Started 02 January 2021 by tobiscoo

Ask a Question How to remove Shopping templates from a Virtuemart-Joomla site

Hi, I've tried to revert back to Virtuemart default layout/templates on a Joomla site. I've tried exporting the project from the desktop version without the checkbox enabled for "Include Product...
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Latest By Support Team

06 January 2021

Started 05 January 2021 by john.giannangeli

Ask a Question Product Templates in Joomla

Hi, How can I modify the Product List, Details and the Shopping Cart Templates in Joomla/virtuemart? Regards, Bram
7 Replies
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Latest By bram35

26 January 2021

Started 06 January 2021 by bram35

Ask a Question I would like to request a template for ICECAST/shoutcast/ html5 Radio player

Is there some way you could make a template for ICECAST/shoutcast/ html5 Radio player and /or create blocks for that? Also a Rtsp/ Rtmp video feed block? so you can embed rtmp/rtsp/webm in a webpage....
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Latest By Support Team

13 January 2021

Started 08 January 2021 by dj008tx

Report a bug bug in all templates

there is a bug in all templates when you upload files to cpanel or wordpress thats all what you get ; "xemple de texte. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit nullam nunc justo...
1 Reply
0 Votes

Latest By Support Team

11 January 2021

Started 11 January 2021 by nisadev591

Ask a Question template

Need a 5 inch long x 2 inch wide template
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Latest By Support Team

13 January 2021

Started 12 January 2021 by darryl19

Ask a Question Создание шаблона, либо пресета

Добрый день. Мне необходимо поставить контактную форму с 15 полями на много страниц. Вариантов формы будет 4. Они похожи, но всё зависит от страницы, какую форму ставить. Можно ли как то добавить...
19 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

26 January 2021

Started 18 January 2021 by omnibox.sales