I would like to request a template for ICECAST/shoutcast/ html5 Radio player

1 Posts
dj008tx posted this 08 January 2021
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Is there some way you could make a template for ICECAST/shoutcast/ html5 Radio player and /or create blocks for that?
Also a Rtsp/ Rtmp video feed block? so you can embed rtmp/rtsp/webm in a webpage. Also can you add the option to import a REGULAR index.html file?

Is there some way you could make a template for ICECAST/shoutcast/ html5 Radio player and /or create blocks for that? Also a Rtsp/ Rtmp video feed block? so you can embed rtmp/rtsp/webm in a webpage. Also can you add the option to import a REGULAR index.html file?
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 13 January 2021


Unfortunately, no.

Allen R.
Nicepage Support Team

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CLINTON, Unfortunately, no. ................................................... Sincerely, Allen R. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp
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