Ask a Question Look at my free none official Nicepage PDF Guide

Here is a simple link to my under construction free pdf none official Nicepage pdf guide: Free NoneOfficial Nicepage PDF Guide There is many things i must do. It take my self some time. As peoples i...
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Latest By Support Team

03 March 2022

Started 12 October 2021 by sfavron


Bonjour! Je publie un artzine en PDF chaque mois et je le transforme en flipbook avec les pages qui tournent. Je voudrais créer un site pour présenter tous les numéros, comment puis-je intégrer le...
8 Replies
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Latest By elrotringo2

02 November 2021

Started 31 October 2021 by elrotringo2

Ask a Question how to save my pages as pdf

I wanna share my home as a PDF, how can I do that?
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24 June 2022

Started 24 June 2022 by panandroedutech

Ask a Question print joomla article or download the article as pdf

in joomla's articles is missing the print or pdf icon
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27 April 2023

Started 27 April 2023 by athanaso

Ask a Question Editing linked PDF files

Our site has articles in PDF format and links on other html pages direct to these PDFs. We have discovered that some of these PDF files have typos / errors that need to be fixed. Can we use Adobe...
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30 April 2023

Started 30 April 2023 by phillips.rick

Ask a Question to convert en pdf

Hello, I would like to work on Nicepage and make changes to website mockups. I'm wondering if you have the option to convert the mockup to PDF, even if it's a paid feature. The text quality is not...
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03 July 2023

Started 03 July 2023 by olfa.tarapey

Wishlist Creating a full website pdf

I have to submit my website to our compliance team for approval. Is there a way to publish a pdf of the whole site, all content?
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08 September 2023

Started 07 September 2023 by joelalmquist

Ask a Question PDF preview

Hello again... :) Is it possible to embed a PDF preview page like the one at this link: or something like that, so that the PDF can be viewed directly from the site without...
4 Replies
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08 November 2023

Started 07 November 2023 by lentilka

Wishlist Downloading single HTML page to PDF

We are trying to create company profile in HTML format as one page. We want to know if we can add an option to download entire HTML page into PDF retaining with all formattings, color, and branding....
4 Replies
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Latest By Charudatta Mundale

11 December 2023

Started 08 December 2023 by Charudatta Mundale

Ask a Question Hello: it seems pdf file is not uploaded to the server

Once I upload my site to the server it seems its not uploading a PDF, works fine offline, but online it gives me a 404 error´.. everithing else is OK... Any Ideas?
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31 January 2024

Started 30 January 2024 by elfosgrafica

Ask a Question visionneuse PDF

Bonjour. Est-il possible d'avoir une visionneuse de PDF directe sur une page d'un site Nicepage ? EN clair que l'on puisse afficher le df directement dans une page du site sans ouvir une nouvelle...
2 Replies
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10 April 2024

Started 09 April 2024 by sourismoi

Ask a Question Bouton de téléchargement PDF

Bonjour. Comment faire pour réaliser un bouton qui permet de lélécharger un DF SVP ?
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09 April 2024

Started 09 April 2024 by sourismoi

Ask a Question PDFs

Where can I upload and store my pdfs and other files in nicepage? It wont let me upload to media. I need a storage spot.
9 Replies
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07 August 2024

Started 30 July 2024 by LVTC Marketing

Ask a Question A proper PDF reader is essential.

Olivia, come on, this nonsense about Iframes only works on a full screen, not on phones or anything less than a full screen. It drops the PDF frame, so if you have multiple pages in your PDF document...
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3 weeks ago

Started 3 weeks ago by kit

Ask a Question PDF embedded

How do i add an embedded PDF into my page, without hyperlink ?
7 Replies
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29 May 2020

Started 22 January 2019 by ronald.caspers2