A proper PDF reader is essential.

12 Posts
kit posted this 3 weeks ago
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Olivia, come on, this nonsense about Iframes only works on a full screen, not on phones or anything less than a full screen. It drops the PDF frame, so if you have multiple pages in your PDF document and want to keep your header and footer, all you can get is page 1 USELESS. Why have your programmers not been able to create A SIMPLE PDF viewer??????
It is essential that we do not go to Google or any other source, as it SHOULD NOT BE NECESSARY.
Please fix it as soon as possible. Yes, I am aware one can access it via a web address, but that is no solution. We want to have it on our pages and not be at the mercy of whatever browser you happen to be using. This is a huge weakness in Nicepage.
Please understand that I really like Nicepage, and it does have some very good points, but the need for a PDF reader is problematic. Your management of multi-output formats is also problematic. Please give me some good news. Regards Chris

Olivia, come on, this nonsense about Iframes only works on a full screen, not on phones or anything less than a full screen. It drops the PDF frame, so if you have multiple pages in your PDF document and want to keep your header and footer, all you can get is page 1 USELESS. Why have your programmers not been able to create A SIMPLE PDF viewer?????? It is essential that we do not go to Google or any other source, as it SHOULD NOT BE NECESSARY. Please fix it as soon as possible. Yes, I am aware one can access it via a web address, but that is no solution. We want to have it on our pages and not be at the mercy of whatever browser you happen to be using. This is a huge weakness in Nicepage. Please understand that I really like Nicepage, and it does have some very good points, but the need for a PDF reader is problematic. Your management of multi-output formats is also problematic. Please give me some good news. Regards Chris
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 3 weeks ago

Hello Chris,

Thank you for your suggestion, your proposition has been added to our wishlist. If this feature gets enough votes it will be added to future Nicepage Updates.
Unfortunately, we cant implement all possible features due to a Developers work load and Road map, we thank you for your patience and understanding.
Negat Veri
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Chris, Thank you for your suggestion, your proposition has been added to our wishlist. If this feature gets enough votes it will be added to future Nicepage Updates. Unfortunately, we cant implement all possible features due to a Developers work load and Road map, we thank you for your patience and understanding. ................................................... Sincerely, Negat Veri Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp
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