Ask a Question Prevent URLs and Links into contact form

Hello, is there any way to prevent urls and liks into the contact form?, I do have re-captcha V3 however we are receiving a lot of forms with porn sites, unwanted sellers...
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Latest By trenton_hunt2

06 May 2021

Started 30 July 2020 by juanospinadiaz

Ask a Question Link to pdf file from menu item

Hello I'm just discovering the concept of NicePage and it seems very interresting ! I can't find the solution to the problem defined in the title : how to link a pdf file from a menu (sub meni) item...
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Latest By Support Team

04 March 2021

Started 09 August 2020 by noel.dubau

Ask a Question Is it possible to make a text link without auto converting to button instead?

Hello team, can you please give me a hint, what went wrong, when I make a link from part of the text, it converts to button. Is it possible somehow, to use standard text link instead? It converts even...
29 Replies
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Latest By wayback1

02 February 2023

Started 13 August 2020 by michal84

Wishlist Rich Snippets

A great feature would be the ability to add rich snippets. These are links you embed on the page and software gives you a preview of the link. This is similar to the way you post links in Facebook or...
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Latest By Support Team

20 August 2020

Started 20 August 2020 by alykhanii

Ask a Question Problem with inserting a link in the form.

I have a problem with the form, I insert a link and delete it after publication. Two print screens are attached. Where could the problem be that he is not publishing a link?
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Latest By Support Team

28 August 2020

Started 28 August 2020 by pawelolczyk3223

Ask a Question How to add a download="filename.pdf" attribute to a file link

Can anyone tell me if it is possible to add a download attribute to force a pdf to download rather than open in a browser window? I can't find anywhere to do this and I don't want the files opening in...
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Latest By Support Team

10 September 2020

Started 09 September 2020 by franko1497

Ask a Question Text links in Show Text On Hover in Gallery

Hi I would like to add clickable links on Text On Hover in Gallery. Each line of text will lead to different link. How can i do that? Many thanks.
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Latest By Support Team

17 September 2020

Started 12 September 2020 by cmlou

Ask a Question Buttons can not reference a block on a different page

one key subject of SEO is linking from one page to another. I already know that sub menus referencing to blocks works only in one page mode, so I thought to use buttons, I ran into the same problem....
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Latest By Support Team

14 September 2020

Started 13 September 2020 by manager182

Ask a Question 6 HTML Widgets I´ve applied into NIcepage (free download links)

Hello everyone. Wish you are having a good day. I´m sharing with you a blog post link wich include all the 6 download links for the HTML widgets I´ve adjust and applied into Nicepage so you can try...
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Latest By LGALLP

16 September 2020

Started 16 September 2020 by LGALLP

Ask a Question Second Button in Cookie Popup

Dear Nicepage Community, I created a second button in the EU Cookie Pop-Up. I added this Button the Link to one of my Sites. But instead of redirecting to this Site the Pop-Up simply disappears. If...
7 Replies
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Latest By llamacurl

20 October 2020

Started 18 September 2020 by llamacurl

Ask a Question Plugin Weglot - Change the link

Hi, We use the Weglot plugin to translate our website from Portuguese to English. In our Privacy Policy button we want to change the link when the website is in english. But, according to the Weglot...
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Latest By marketingWT

21 September 2020

Started 21 September 2020 by marketingWT

Ask a Question Facebook

How can I add a link so my facebook latest post appears on my web page?
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Latest By Support Team

23 September 2020

Started 22 September 2020 by mosaicsbykate

Ask a Question Specify no more than one rel=canonical link for a page

When I do not enter a canonical url in the individual page settings, the exported pages show it as index.html. When I do specify a canonical url, the exported page shows the correct url, but shows it...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

27 October 2020

Started 25 September 2020 by lobiwan

Ask a Question Link Title not correct

Dear sir, madam, When I hover over menu itmes see attachment i notes that the title is not correct. I`m using wordpress and nicepage plugin. If I hover over Home then it shows noting. When I hoven...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

30 September 2020

Started 29 September 2020 by satcom.devdas

Report a bug Link to nicepage in button?

Hi guys I notice that every button from form , contact, newsletter etc... When I put mouse over the button appear a link Nicepage ( it works but the link to Nicepage its showing up) please remove...
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01 October 2020

Started 01 October 2020 by