Ask a Question blog post url

Is it possible to change blog post url? In Turkish it is really a big problem, because Turkish has some letters that do not exist in English. Using those letters in the url is not recommended? What...
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27 November 2023

Started 26 November 2023 by Doç. Dr. Fatih Çakır Gündoğan

Ask a Question Theme Not Activated

I finally broke down and paid for a new subscription because I was so frustrated at not being able to upgrade to a joomla 4 template. IMagine my frustration at having paid once again for just a...
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27 November 2023

Started 24 November 2023 by Rob19

Ask a Question IFRAME

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27 November 2023

Started 27 November 2023 by lisadavisburgsales

Ask a Question Edit Published Website

Hi there! How can I edit my published Website?
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Latest By cocacolacowboys

27 November 2023

Started 29 March 2022 by yiltirov13

Ask a Question Downloading HTML Templates

Hello! How can I download HTML templates if I want to use a different builder to edit the template? Thank you.
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27 November 2023

Started 23 January 2021 by joed777

Ask a Question css

Hi The exported nicepage.css is HUGE. We just want to be able to create small light page elements. Like your block with 3 columns. The css should be very small for this. But, your export has 2 CSS...
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27 November 2023

Started 05 February 2022 by james8242

Ask a Question Most efficient way to integrate optimized pictures

Hi, what method do you use to intergrate optimized pictures / photos in NP projects? As you have recognized for sure big photos will increase PageSpeed and so on. Compressing them massively reduces...
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27 November 2023

Started 23 November 2023 by info44392

Ask a Question breadcrumbs как добавить?

Добрый день, есть возможность добавить хлебные крошки(breadcrumbs)?
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26 November 2023

Started 26 November 2023 by kirsanow

Ask a Question Cookie popup

Hi out there, If the cookie popup is enabled, it comes always on every page, when visited, not just once. This should not be, its disturbing. What script can I fill in to stop this? Once is ok, but...
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26 November 2023

Started 26 November 2023 by elektroknecht4

Ask a Question Are there any bigger issues with Nicepage v6?

Hi, I have not updated to Nicepage v6 yet? Are there current bugs affecting the work when coming from latest v5 version? Are there any functions not available anymore? Or important code changes, which...
2 Replies
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Latest By info44392

26 November 2023

Started 23 November 2023 by info44392

Ask a Question second user?

I would like that my NicePage subscription can be used by one of my employees, but in a limited way, is it possible to create a restricted or extra user in my NP? Thanks
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26 November 2023

Started 26 November 2023 by RHS

Ask a Question TEXT page break

je možne na stránke keď mám veľmi dlhy text jeho časť dat schovať a pridať tlačítko čítať viac a on sa rozbalí do celej dĺžky a potom sa to tlačidlo zmení na čítať menej a po kliknutí sa zasa text...
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25 November 2023

Started 24 November 2023 by infostebo

Ask a Question uso de servicios

hola, lamentablemente, este año no voy a renovar el servicio con vosotros. es una pena, pero después de tantos años pienso que las ultimas características no son nada sorprendentes. mi pregunta es:...
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Latest By MerlinAZ

25 November 2023

Started 25 November 2023 by marinfabrega2

Ask a Question how to delete all the spam from the lead list?or all the leads

I have being getting leads for many years, I did not know they all went to one place, now I can delete them because they are too many and deleting one by one is not an option, pages and pages from...
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25 November 2023

Started 25 November 2023 by gracy

Ask a Question Need help

I need to have my wife, who is in the same house but is on a different computer, be able to login to NicePage and work on a different website simultaneous to me. I have one license for NicePage Pro.
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Latest By MerlinAZ

24 November 2023

Started 24 November 2023 by dogfather