Wishlist Flip Control for Grids

Please could you make it possible for the Flip control in grids to be saved for each responsive model? I often find that it needs to be flipped only for certain sizes; and at the moment, the only way...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

31 May 2022

Started 23 October 2020 by Lynn

Wishlist Nicepage as a static web builder

Hi There After building several websites with Nicepage for customers, I realize i use it more and more for static solutions. In my pipeline for the moment. I've got 12 new websites on the order list...
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Latest By Support Team

26 October 2020

Started 25 October 2020 by jf8

Ask a Question Two different menus in Header - Multi-Language websites

Hi, I need to build my WP website in other language and I can see that many people on nicepage are asking for the same. Reading the following ticket I found a solution but the menu doesn't as I...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

02 November 2020

Started 27 October 2020 by Dayis

Ask a Question max photos in image slider

Hello, What does Nicepage advise for a maximum amount of photo's in a image-slider? Thanks in advance. Frank Gijsen
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Latest By Support Team

23 May 2022

Started 28 October 2020 by fmd.gijsen

Ask a Question nicepage editor rubbish

HI, I just discovered nicepage. It looks like you guys have built a potentially great webpage editor. I downloaded and installed it. and started to try to edit my first page. the editor doesn;t work...
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Latest By Support Team

04 November 2020

Started 01 November 2020 by joshman11

Ask a Question Glitch or settings?

Almost immediately (3rd block) the moment I started adding my own pictures and filling out the text that it would jump from where I placed it to the left side of the block. After redoing it 3 times, I...
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Latest By Support Team

09 November 2020

Started 06 November 2020 by thetomorrowsim

Ask a Question Modal Pop Up

Hi, I used the description on this link > https://nicepage.com/doc/55883/create-a-modal-popup?uid=c3500cdb-e1e7-48b3-b4ea-9d57952c79dd to create a modal pop up, it works, BUT I need something like...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

09 November 2020

Started 07 November 2020 by dandid

Ask a Question Advanced gradient with CSS

Hi, I'm trying to add an advanced gradient to a Nicepage block. Advanced in the sense that it cannot be done with Nicepage buttons only. Here's how I do it: Defining class for the block In the...
4 Replies
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Latest By MayaBee

21 December 2020

Started 14 November 2020 by MayaBee

Ask a Question The woes of trying to use nicepage

Can you concentrate on making nicepage have the functions of Joomla. No more new template pages until you have the functionality sorted out. You are making NP work with VM and wocom but you dont have...
4 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

11 January 2021

Started 17 November 2020 by unclepips

Report a bug Border width missing

Hi support team, please take a look to the attached screenshot. I am on Windows App. I am editing the "Post Template" I have added the sidebar option. Then if I enable the Border for my Blocks, I can...
3 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By mediaware.tv2

03 December 2020

Started 18 November 2020 by mediaware.tv2

Ask a Question 3.0

Thanks! you guys just gave me 3.0 free upgrade - I presume as I only bought into the app a few months ago, but I really appreciate it, and love your app, plus all the hard work you guys have put into...
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Latest By Support Team

24 November 2020

Started 24 November 2020 by dandid

Wishlist Themler features to Nicepage

For example: I inserted a sidebar, see attachment np-sidebar.png. I cannot put it higher or lower. On the website (see attachment np-website.png) it's direct under the header, but I want it lower (if...
8 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

26 November 2020

Started 25 November 2020 by richardkruizinga

Ask a Question Anyway to get from NicePage output to Vue.js based Code?

I am a longtime Applications developer that has been able to successfully ignore HTML and CSS for many years. Your editor just really makes SUPER Sense to me! However, we need to do some custom...
4 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By digimbyte

22 December 2023

Started 25 November 2020 by gmkoller

Report a bug Placing a site on a hosting, it is displayed incorrectly. Filezilla. UTF 8.

Hey. when placing a site on a hosting, it is displayed incorrectly. what is the reason ? http://demo.bigfishboxing.com/
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

04 December 2020

Started 01 December 2020 by 9067515

Wishlist lock's on single pages

I have a surgestion. Will it be possible to make a kind of lock on the individual pages, so that when you are correcting another page that no errors occur on pages you allready have finished. I had...
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Latest By Support Team

02 December 2020

Started 02 December 2020 by sp820