Ask a Question Link in footer

Am using the latest Nicepage edition and for some reason the "WordPress Theme created with Wordpress Website Builder" is now appearing. I unchecked the box is settings during export of theme by it is...
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Latest By Support Team

11 May 2021

Started 08 May 2021 by tom7

Ask a Question best practices for responsive design

Hello, Is there an article about best practices for creating responsive designs in nicepage? Is it generally best to start with the desktop version and work down to the smaller sizes, or the other...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 May 2021

Started 08 May 2021 by david13662

Ask a Question Pricing after license expired

If I buy the product (let's say Business) , I got one year free updates. What happens next if I want to update ? What's the price then ?
9 Replies
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Latest By pernould

10 May 2021

Started 08 May 2021 by pernould

Ask a Question How to remove footer credit

Hi Dear, How to remove footer credit (((**Template created with Website Builder Software.**)) Please See Attachments
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Latest By MerlinAZ

08 May 2021

Started 08 May 2021 by fu.ehanik

Ask a Question Website won't publish

I've moved my web hosting from GoDaddy to Bluehost, and now I am rebuilding my website. Every time I get it where I want it and publish it, the preview looks good, but the site does not publish...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

12 May 2021

Started 08 May 2021 by sandra

Ask a Question How do I upload website properly

This has been the most frustrating experience ever. I have built a website with the desktop app and I can not upload it properly. When I go with the zip.file route then upload errors happen, menus...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 May 2021

Started 09 May 2021 by dimstaikos

Report a bug Button > Lost of functionality

@ Botton > Hover and Pressed No Color > function/option not working.
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

19 May 2021

Started 09 May 2021 by Vildana

Ask a Question Horizontal hamburg display

Hi support team, please can you help achieve a design that has a horizontal Hamburg display for desktop version and a vertical display on Mobile? Thank you.
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 May 2021

Started 09 May 2021 by dan1924

Ask a Question re-ordering pages

Hi, after the last update pages on my websites are all out of order and cannot be rearrange. Can you fix and explain why, I was just about to finish a site when this happen. This is urgent.
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

12 May 2021

Started 09 May 2021 by jldesign25

Ask a Question Pricing your product

I downloaded your app and thought it was great. I wondered how you made any money as there was no "Pricing" page. Indeed when you Google Web Page Builders, I saw your page** on a website that...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 May 2021

Started 10 May 2021 by mail7672

Ask a Question NP WP Plugin: Auto Update if Whitelabeled?

I exported WP Theme and Content and uploaded & activated both the theme and plugin which I white-labeled. Next time there is an update to NP, will the auto-update notification appear with...
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Latest By Support Team

11 May 2021

Started 10 May 2021 by johngeary

Ask a Question I would like website template with 1 time payment only, i don't require monthly subscription

I would like website template with 1 time payment only, i don't require monthly subscription. Is the above service available ? Thank You.
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 May 2021

Started 11 May 2021 by davain

Wishlist Export Joomla and Wordpress-Projekt and Import in NicePage-Desktopversion

Ich würde gerne mein NP-Projekt aus Joomla exportieren, um es in der Desktopversion weiterzubearbeiten. Leider ist das nicht möglich. Könnt ihr nicht eine Exportfunktion in Joomla (und Wordpress)...
5 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By ppuk

28 March 2023

Started 11 May 2021 by UHermann2


Greetings NicePage... Would you guys consider looking into a feature that Adobe Muse had... However, most of the work for this gets done in Photoshop for this. I.e. Let's say I design a customized...
3 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

23 August 2022

Started 11 May 2021 by graphicsunleashed

Ask a Question Cost on Export

Hi, i am new in using Nicepage desktop application. But I am confusing on the exporting page to html file. In the premium plan, I am read that export to html is free (tick) and when I try to export,...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

12 May 2021

Started 12 May 2021 by faridboss54