Ask a Question Delete leads

Is there any way to lead all leads on one of my accounts...all at once vs one by one. Thanks Jason
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25 March 2024

Started 24 March 2024 by jpesiganvzw

Ask a Question Import Existing HTML Website

You have a great app! I was able to knock off a landing page design in a very short time. I have some older HTML sites I would love to import, either plain HTML or Dreamweaver based. Would it be...
13 Replies
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25 March 2024

Started 03 April 2020 by TeKno Ziz

Ask a Question Some images are not clickable

Dear Sir or Madam, I have created a page with nicepage and added multiple images, strangely some of images can be enlarged on click and some of them not. What could be the problem? Kindest...
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24 March 2024

Started 24 March 2024 by dagnarus

Ask a Question The theme color changed to something else

The Theme color changed after I added favicon to my webpage using the Appearence - Setting - Site Identity. I can not change the site colors no matter what I do. Please advise.
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24 March 2024

Started 24 March 2024 by tac1combat

Ask a Question How to activate https

Dear Team, I have hosted my website on nicepage server. Please let me know how can I implement https for secure connection. Thanks and Reagrds Arti
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24 March 2024

Started 24 March 2024 by arti.kalra12

Ask a Question Update

Hello, i would like to know what is my last version with pro licence and can you give me link to downloud it ? i am thinking of renewing subscription or chose another builder. thanks
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Latest By MerlinAZ

23 March 2024

Started 23 March 2024 by mirdek2

Ask a Question How to merge cells in Table

Hi, how do I merge cells in table?
6 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By dahlmatiner

23 March 2024

Started 29 June 2020 by TQY

Ask a Question Help wanted

Hi, I want to know if it's possible to have help to build my website. It's a very easy website to make. I don't have any knowledge in website building. I have a Home page, About section, Image...
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23 March 2024

Started 22 March 2024 by danylacroix

Ask a Question I want to turn off the Free Trial.

I'm using the program to create a site, but I don't want to rely on tools that aren't in the free version to do so. I'd like to cancel my free trial before the 7 day period is up so I can evaluate...
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23 March 2024

Started 22 March 2024 by tysonbirmann

Ask a Question Purchasing the Business Premium account

If I purchase a Business Premium account and develop using my local machine, How do I move the registry of this tool to a hosted site while only using only one license
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22 March 2024

Started 22 March 2024 by hconnor


Nicepage desktop version 6.6 start on mac? ..and if it is not yet compatible.. when will it become compatible? Is this an Apple problem or yours? in the sense of who has to solve it?
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22 March 2024

Started 22 March 2024 by desk35

Ask a Question Landpage error

Why wenn I call my webpage "" land in the middle of the page?
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22 March 2024

Started 21 March 2024 by Discover What Makes You Unique

Ask a Question Link's URL in Joomla articles not show

Hi, When I link from an image or a text in an article created by Nicepage in Joomla it is not shown when the marker is on the image or the linked text when seen in the front end. What am I doing...
7 Replies
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22 March 2024

Started 21 March 2024 by cynthialo

Ask a Question FTP Desktop

kann man auch nur die Änderungen per FTP hochladen?
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22 March 2024

Started 22 March 2024 by info2149

Ask a Question Editing with Elementor

Good afternoon I am hoping you can clear something up for me I have started using Nicepage to create a website for wordpress and have uploaded a dummy site just to see what it looks like. What I...
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22 March 2024

Started 22 March 2024 by travelmedia739