Hoe rastercellen in een webblok te verplaatsen

Met de rasters kunt u verschillende inhoud organiseren, waaronder afbeeldingen, pictogrammen, vormen en tekst in de vorm van cellen, die erg handig zijn om te bedienen. In onze visuele editor kunt u eenvoudig cellen in een raster verplaatsen door eenvoudig de ene cel over de andere te slepen, waardoor uw lay-out en inhoud voor uw webontwerp worden geperfectioneerd. Bovendien kunt u op de pijlpictogrammen in het contextgereedschap van de cel klikken om de cel te verplaatsen.

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Gebruik onze Website Builder om websites te ontwerpen en te maken zonder codering. Sleep alles wat je wilt, naar elke gewenste plek. De Website Creator past uw website automatisch aan voor mobiel om deze responsive te maken. Kies uit meer dan 15,000 aanpasbare websitesjablonen.

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Gratis sjablonen met Rasterelement

Ga aan de slag met onze beste sjablonen, ideaal voor elk bedrijf. Maak en pas ze aan met onze krachtige en gratis websitebouwer zonder code. Alle sjablonen zijn mobielvriendelijk en zien er op elk apparaat uitstekend uit.

How To Move Grid Cells With Editor’s Drag And Drop

When getting started, add a Grid to quickly set up the layout by building your future web page blocks. The Grid helps easily manage the spacing between columns and rows and the content inside rows and columns like images, text icons, etc. Using our builder, you can also easily move the Grid cells by dragging them through Grid areas where you want them to be. Keep in mind that you can create any order of the cells you wish to, so to ensure that the main content gets the users' attention, these cells must be presented first. The program will automatically set the x and y positioning of multiple cells in the Grid, which is why no matter how many columns and rows are present in the Grid, they will be placed appropriately. You do not need to go to edit to move cells, making the managing swift and effective.

Do not forget about the power of the CSS Grid template, which includes how much space between columns will be present without the need to adjust the screen sizes. Different screen sizes demand a different number of columns set and the spacing between columns. Yet, our Nicepage sites can automatically detect how many both columns and rows should be present at the moment on the screen and how much space between rows and columns should be. Our CSS Grid allows using different types of the actual content in the cells and will make sure that the visitors will not skip the main content. Using CSS Grid template will automatically resolve the question of the space between Grid template areas and the x and y coordinates.

When you start building blocks or managing your Grid template, you will quickly realize how CSS grid things improve the website's construction and overall look. Google Analytics will also consider the space between rows and columns and the number of columns you present. Change these settings if you require more space between columns and rows to make content more understandable or compact. The CSS grid columns can play a crucial role in the site layout, so create your vision of the rows and columns Grid you want to establish.