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How To Edit Page Content Without Breaking The Layout

Using our page builder is very safe and efficient, especially when you use our drag and drop editor which allows you to edit your pages without the fear of losing content elements and design templates during editing. Similar to Wpbakery page builder or new WordPress page builder our editor mode helps to modify and customize content elements, page layout options, and integrate new features into your site or WordPress page. You can quickly switch between editor and preview mode in our drag and drop site builder and review how the content elements work with each other and are there a conflict between new content and site settings.

Quickly switch between modes using the content editing button at the top of your page layout above the site header and add a new content area, customize the theme layout, apply advanced text editing, or drag and drop elements you wish to implement through our page builder. Similar to the Wpbakery page builder and WordPress page builder, our drag and drop site builder supports premium features and WordPress themes that not only provide a great website builder experience but let you save and exploit landing page templates for your future projects.

Our web hosting provides the best web security, so you do not need to search the site builder for your new post or WordPress page for fear of losing your drag and drop plugins and designs. Similar to the Wpbakery page builder, when you are using drag and drop advanced features you can edit your WordPress page and make it more unique in our page builder. All our modern elements are available for you to design the content you want and immediately drag and drop it through our landing page builder.