
  • Overview
  • Basic Properties
  • Context Operations


The Context Toolbar provides quick access to some basic properties of the Block, Containers, and Elements.


Basic Context Properties

Using the Context Toolbar, you can quickly change the Color, delete the Element, or access basic properties depending on the selected Element or Container.


Context Operations

Click on the Options icon on the Context Toolbar to access the basic operations for the selected Element or Container.


## Summary - Overview - Basic Properties - Context Operations ## Overview The Context Toolbar provides quick access to some basic properties of the Block, Containers, and Elements. !context-toolbar.png! ## Basic Context Properties Using the Context Toolbar, you can quickly change the Color, delete the Element, or access basic properties depending on the selected Element or Container. !basic-properties.png! ## Context Operations Click on the Options icon on the Context Toolbar to access the basic operations for the selected Element or Container. !context-operations.png! ##