Wishlist Icon color on hover

Would it be possible to add a simple option to set the hover effect to change the color of the icon? There are a lot of effects, most of them unusable, but the basic thing, like changing the color,...
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Latest By Support Team

5 days ago

Started 6 days ago by regczm

Wishlist i would like to have more product variation options like "Small" or "XXL"

i would like to have more product variation options like "Small" or "XXL". There need more sizes then only M, L and XL. Please add an option to Add the sizes or just make them generally available.
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Latest By Support Team

3 weeks ago

Started 3 weeks ago by wbroeders

Wishlist Table - no. of rows

Hello team, do you plan to enhance the number of table rows? I want to use it as a monthly calendar and 15 rows don't help. Why it's limited to 15? That's not clear for me. Could be also 20, 30, 50...
9 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

3 weeks ago

Started 28 April 2024 by reinald.assheuer


Hello, I would like to ask how I can change an image without having to upload the same image again, which I already have in the media library? I am missing the "address" option where I can insert a...
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Latest By Support Team

3 weeks ago

Started 3 weeks ago by furcheses

Wishlist Joomla module as Nicepage section

Hi. Can you create a Nicepage Module for Joomla that will load Nicepage editor, like a plugin did it in Articles? This will be helpfull if for some reason I want to use in Articles my default editor...
7 Replies
7 Votes

Latest By wepey15725

4 weeks ago

Started 09 October 2018 by Vitaliy WD

Wishlist Product Full Description

YES! You made it possible to create an description to the products. Alas! You can't FORMAT the text! Please make yet another update to this 🙏
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

22 August 2024

Started 17 January 2024 by peskildsen

Wishlist Images can only be assigned a maximum border radius of 50px

In the Nicepage 6.16.0 version I can no longer crop images to a circle. The border radius is limited to 50px. This must be a bug.
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

22 August 2024

Started 16 August 2024 by xvemanuelvx

Wishlist repeat carousel auto rotation unvailable

Hello, as the title say, I can't find the option to set the auto-rotation (like in the slider) for repeat carousel, but there is just the manual rotation by default. Am I missing something? Thank you...
9 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

21 August 2024

Started 01 February 2024 by trazdum

Wishlist Upload Nicepage to Wordpress Admin

How do I upload nicepage to Wordpress admin?
7 Replies
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15 August 2024

Started 05 August 2024 by Group7

Wishlist Day/Night mode

Good day, is there an option to add a button that switches the website between day and night mode?
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

06 August 2024

Started 06 August 2024 by hectorleal

Wishlist reCaptcha on a form

I'd like to add the reCaptcha on the contactform. But, in NP, there is no option to do it. So would like to add it manually. What is the way to add it in my template?
59 Replies
13 Votes

Latest By qutubuddin

04 August 2024

Started 01 November 2018 by Pianoman

Wishlist Menu Styles

Is there a way to change the "style" of a header menu. I'm unable to see options for the design of the menu like Artisteer. I'm only seeing square or rounded square. Is that all is available in the...
40 Replies
18 Votes

Latest By BrianVon

02 August 2024

Started 08 October 2018 by kismj

Wishlist Header Options For Different Device Sizes

Inasmuch as blocks and elements can be 'hidden' for different device sizes... since we currently do not have the ability for multiple header (and footer) versions... please consider making header...
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Latest By Support Team

02 August 2024

Started 01 August 2024 by rbecker

Wishlist Width of Form Buttons On Mobile

When are we going to be able to change the width of the submit buttons on mobile?? The aesthetic of having it as wide as the input section is really terrible. See image
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Latest By Support Team

02 August 2024

Started 02 August 2024 by The Auriya Group

Wishlist dynamic image sizes

Hey guys, please see my screenshot. This is a SEO topic. When you are able to edit html you can use dynamic image sizes like this: <img src srcset size> Depending on the size of the image on...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

01 August 2024

Started 01 August 2024 by _Alex_