Ask a Question I add HTML template in mail but image did not show up in mail

file:///C:/Users/zhongnchen/OneDrive%20-%20Tesla/Documents/Nicepage%20Templates/Site1/index.html The link showed pretty good in chrome but image did not show up in outlook mail
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08 October 2021

Started 08 October 2021 by czn096

Ask a Question how can i deactivate the automatic footer?

hallo dear nicepage team, i have the nicepage ultimate edition, but nevertheless it appear always the footer with the text "HTML Template created with Web Design Software." immediately. Therefore is...
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Latest By Shuhib

08 October 2021

Started 08 October 2021 by Shuhib

Ask a Question SVG Giving Duplicate ID

Hi, SVG for Icons is putting in Duplicate IDs Why is it doing this?
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14 October 2021

Started 09 October 2021 by Moorcam

Ask a Question Number Of Sites.

What do you meane by NUmber of site? Number of Sites: (1 Site, 5 Pages) 5 Sites( PERSONAL) 50 Sites(BUSINESS) Unlimited(PRO)
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12 November 2021

Started 10 October 2021 by kazi.shaikh2016

Ask a Question Look at my free none official Nicepage PDF Guide

Here is a simple link to my under construction free pdf none official Nicepage pdf guide: Free NoneOfficial Nicepage PDF Guide There is many things i must do. It take my self some time. As peoples i...
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03 March 2022

Started 12 October 2021 by sfavron

Ask a Question Google Tag Manager and Analytics

Hello, I have added the Google Tag Manager Code in the GTM Field in the Page Settings. How can I add the Google Anayltics Code. I made it in the Google Tag Manager Settings, but its not working and...
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Latest By dariusz.janickii

09 March 2024

Started 13 October 2021 by leonhartje882

Ask a Question Menü Icon

I want to make the icons on the menu different between pages. How do I do that?
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13 October 2021

Started 13 October 2021 by berkay-kksit

Ask a Question better choices

thank you for improiving the nicepage nikos sarantopoulos thank you
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18 October 2021

Started 13 October 2021 by nsarantopoulos68

Ask a Question Licenses

I've paid for business service for the year. What do I need to upgrade to to get premium service?
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14 October 2021

Started 13 October 2021 by contact815

Ask a Question htllo

I will ask the question in a different way. Are there any feedback modules that send a message in telegram that I can install through the constructor?
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14 October 2021

Started 14 October 2021 by eea

Ask a Question Пожелания

Добрый день. Очень не хватает добавление стороннего кода на страницы. например поставить яндекс метрику на все страницы сайта.
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29 August 2022

Started 15 October 2021 by kroko2970

Ask a Question Tags color and background color

Hi, I have problems formating tags for joomla. There is no working way creating a certain color for the words and another color for the background. All is colored words in same colored background...
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27 October 2021

Started 16 October 2021 by Oliver Preißner

Wishlist Nicepage crash after icon search

Dear Nicepage Users and Followers, Unfortunately, we discovered the Nicepage editor crash on adding icons after icon search. The problem is caused by the changes on Flaticon's side. Our developers...
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08 November 2021

Started 18 October 2021 by Support Team

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18 October 2021

Started 18 October 2021 by sqd28787

Ask a Question Changing background color of photos in lightable mode.

Is it possible—and how do you do it— to use a different color other than black (I want to use white), that is used when a viewer clicks on a photo in a block that launches it into light table mode or...
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21 October 2021

Started 18 October 2021 by denisbranca