Report a bug Changing text in text-editor does not allow for font changes

Dear Nicepage, In the text editor I am not allowed to change the font line-height. I just want to change the spacing of the letters but it is not allowed, except for if I go to layout editor. (images...
8 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

19 February 2021

Started 11 February 2021 by THB

Report a bug Group Hyperlinks does not work

Hi Nicepage, There is a function where I turn a Group into a hyperlink. Unfortunately it does not work. I have tried the exact same with just plain text, making it into a hyperlink, and it...
8 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

19 February 2021

Started 11 February 2021 by THB

Wishlist Mouseover filename

Hi there, It would really be nice to have the filename visible with mouse-over when adding an image, like in attached example. Thanks, Kees.
2 Replies
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Latest By eldoradomedia

12 February 2021

Started 11 February 2021 by eldoradomedia

Ask a Question Thank you

Hi Nicepagers, I wanted to say thank you for the accordion. It is very nice and usefull. :-) Best whishes to the team and stay safe. Andreas
2 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By THB

16 February 2021

Started 11 February 2021 by elektroknecht4


Good morning, I attach three images that need to improve SEO, so when they detect to see how the page is and how it works because there are errors because the page that I made the NICEPAGE program is...
5 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

15 February 2021

Started 11 February 2021 by GraphicDesignerJF

Ask a Question update

Hi out there I have little updates to do to an existing big page. Which setting Do I have to use in the Import funktion in joomla if I create a new zip file for uploading. Also I have to udate the...
2 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By William Gerlach

16 March 2021

Started 11 February 2021 by elektroknecht4

Ask a Question Рейтинг и отзывы

Подскажите как я могу поставить на сайт, котороый работает на Wordpress отзывы и рейтиги звездочками? Когда я ставлю такой...
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

12 February 2021

Started 11 February 2021 by omnibox.sales

Wishlist feat: Conference / Event templates & blocks features

I'm interested in creating ticketed event sites but I don't see an templates designed to support events. - Keynote, Electives, Register, Agenda, Sponsors etc A block that I need to support for...
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Latest By Support Team

12 February 2021

Started 12 February 2021 by tony.ohagan

Wishlist Nicepage Update

Why don't you use VUE JS, REACT, LARAVEL? They are the most advanced and safest technologies. In the next versions it will be possible to create an ecommerce only with nicepage? I mean without...
3 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

16 March 2021

Started 13 February 2021 by HelloJul

Ask a Question Understanding mysites in 3.6.2

There is a difference between the name and the thumbnail. Clicking on the name does nothing but clicking on the thumbnail does indeed load the site. What does clicking on the name do? It is implied...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

16 February 2021

Started 16 February 2021 by prussell

Report a bug Compatibility with WCAG and accessibility - couple of bugs

Hello I would like to report a couple of bugs that exist in Nicepage. When it comes to WCAG Nicepage is already doing a nice job,...
4 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By PAS

21 November 2022

Started 17 February 2021 by PAS

Ask a Question A bug in your software

Hello, I believe you have a bug in your software I like it and I would like to buy it, however, there are problems with the editing. When I try to edit text or anything in the footer I am unable to...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

18 February 2021

Started 17 February 2021 by jozel

Ask a Question subscription

Hi , Trying to figure out what happens when my 1 year subscription is up , do i still get to use the premium blocks / templates and be able to export to HTML ?, just no updates, or do the premium...
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Latest By Support Team

17 February 2021

Started 17 February 2021 by anna204

Ask a Question Cumulative Layout Shift: Image elements do not have explicit width and height

After designing any Nicepage site and activating in WordPress, from Chrome browser (incognito), right click, select INSPECT, LIGHTHOUSE tab, and generate report. PERFORMANCE is hindered by poor...
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

18 February 2021

Started 17 February 2021 by SiteBuilder

Ask a Question Graphs, API & Getting data from google spreadsheets

Hi, I have some questions. Is there a way of adding graphs (charts) to the websites? If yes, how? Is there a way to like, make a config dashboard? I wanted to do a dashboard for my discord bot, is...
3 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

20 February 2021

Started 17 February 2021 by Afonso