Ask a Question Resolution Image

Good morning I have pictures like quest attached, the resolution is good, I have done numerous tests, but in all the...
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22 December 2021

Started 12 December 2021 by Freesby

Ask a Question An element that protrudes beyond its sections

Hello, how I can do design like this? I want the tile to lie in two sections when i try to drag it in nicepage, it only extends the first section
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22 December 2021

Started 22 December 2021 by wasilewskidev

Ask a Question Fenêtre modale

Bonjour à tous. J'ai une trés longue fenêtre modale (Modal popups) et lors de son ouverture il est impossible de la faire défiler ni à l'aide d'un ascenseur, ni à l'aide d'un scroll. Pouvez-vous...
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22 December 2021

Started 22 December 2021 by JSP59

Ask a Question Flipping Images

Is there any possibility how to flip an image (mirror sides)? Thanks
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22 December 2021

Started 25 March 2021 by v.arnold999

Ask a Question insert lottie's animation

Is possible to insert lottie's animation on a wordpress page? like that
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22 December 2021

Started 22 December 2021 by olivier N

Report a bug Could someone answer me ? All my websites are broken since your last update

Mobile versions are messed up, elements overflows sections. It’s been 15 days that I’ve reported it but you are denying it, waisting my time by demanding me screenshots and screenshot, telling me...
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22 December 2021

Started 22 December 2021 by contact605

Ask a Question Look and Feel

I need to know if I lose my export capability with the new upgrade from v4.1.0 currently that is allowed without the premium upgrade, please? As my business grows, Of course, I will upgrade, but for...
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22 December 2021

Started 21 December 2021 by Phillip822

Ask a Question problem with controlling the position of elements on the page

I am unable to control the position of individual elements on my web pages. This applies to the spacing between sections, for example. These spaces should be very small and similar on all pages...
2 Replies
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22 December 2021

Started 21 December 2021 by mikolaj06

Ask a Question Need Advice for HTML Template

Hello, I'm planning to create an HTML site that kind of works like a review site, except I'm creating a composite review bundled together from consumer reviews all over the web. I know I need a page...
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22 December 2021

Started 17 December 2021 by gplea1958

Ask a Question Plugin compatibility with WordPress 5.8.2: Unknown

Hello, would it be possible to test the compatibility of the latest Nicepage plugin with the latest version of Wordpress 5.8.2? I ask because I should not have any errors when updating in Wordpress,...
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22 December 2021

Started 21 December 2021 by rceresnak

Report a bug How to do this?

im trying to conect my contact form (from mailrelay) an i cant, it doesnt work i use a html block but it loads the confirmation page on itself this is the script < iframe...
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22 December 2021

Started 22 December 2021 by

Ask a Question Editing text size in tabs

Why is it I'm allowed to edit practically every aspect of the Tabs EXCEPT the size of the text? The documentation has no help on it, only changing what the text says. Pls Help?
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22 December 2021

Started 18 December 2021 by gplea1958

Ask a Question Blank Pages

I am creating a site but since I ran the update when I open in Mysites all the pages are there complete with content but when I open the individual pages all except one are blank except for headers...
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21 December 2021

Started 21 December 2021 by mike289

Ask a Question A list of all features (Block Layouts) in Premium plans

Hi, is there any list of all features (it is named "Block layouts" in your pricelist) for Premium Personal/Business/Pro? E.g. in which version (Personal/Business/Pro)) can I find shortcodes,...
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21 December 2021

Started 21 December 2021 by Martin Kavan

Ask a Question How to order products in product list block

Hi! I recently bought the PRO version of Nicepage and i want to know how to order the products in the "Product List" element. I know there are the "Order by: Featured / recent / category" option but i...
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21 December 2021

Started 21 December 2021 by publicidadvulcan