Ask a Question LearnDash plugin

Hello sir, I have one question for you. Is it possible to create with Nicepage a theme that works with Learndash and support most of its plugin like BBpress and community plugin? Thanks in advance...
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Latest By Support Team

21 June 2022

Started 25 September 2020 by eziogrieco75

Ask a Question setting up emails using PHP

Hi, My site was previously able to send emails which i had setup using the PHP function. It now gives an error "failed to send email". Please assist.
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Latest By Support Team

21 June 2022

Started 21 June 2022 by heidiec

Ask a Question Why should I publish to

Hello I was wondering why I get those messages of "Publish your site" to a domain? I never saw those prompts before in the past and what is the use or benefit? Why...
8 Replies
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Latest By An3s

21 June 2022

Started 20 June 2022 by An3s

Ask a Question Adressname from subpages

Hi, i have a question concerning the address names of the webpages. After exporting and uploading the site. I would like to have the link like this:ÜberUns instead...
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Latest By Support Team

21 June 2022

Started 03 June 2022 by peter8562

Ask a Question Hyperlinking a PDF file

Tried adding a hyperlink to link a .pdf files and when I follow the steps to link a .pdf file....there is NO option available to link the .PDF file. Please help
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Latest By MerlinAZ

21 June 2022

Started 27 May 2021 by rshaffer

Ask a Question Help Please

I'm a newbie - can you help?
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Latest By MerlinAZ

20 June 2022

Started 20 June 2022 by neilblumberg

Ask a Question Business plan allows 3 not 50 sites. What's wrong? Same question

As previous question on can't get 50 sites. I don't understand what sub domain refers to
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Latest By MerlinAZ

20 June 2022

Started 20 June 2022 by John Blomquist

Ask a Question How Do You Add A Payment Link?

Hi, how do you add a payment link to your website please? Many thanks Ged
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Latest By ged_59

20 June 2022

Started 19 June 2022 by ged_59

Ask a Question Text in MacBook

Hello, Im my Macbook when i copy a text from Word our Illustrator and paste it in a text box, i can´t edit the text in Nicepage. It fails to recognize again as a text box. Can you help my out?
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20 June 2022

Started 20 June 2022 by ambvieira

Ask a Question Product tabs unselectable

Hello, im busy with my wordpress site with Nicepage theme but for some reason i can not select product tabs(its grayed out) can annyone tell me how to get it usable?
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20 June 2022

Started 20 June 2022 by darwinvalken1989

Ask a Question il sito non funziona

buongiorno oggi il sito non funziona Sorry! We couldn't find that page You have requested a page or file which does not exist. Maybe it's moved, or maybe the URL is incorrect.
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20 June 2022

Started 25 May 2022 by eliana_serra2

Ask a Question Dados Faturação

Boa tarde, Como posso alterar os dados de faturação? Obrigado.
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20 June 2022

Started 20 June 2022 by Rui Lopes

Ask a Question How soon will I owe money for my account?

Your product is amazing! I want to be able to continue use your product. When will I need to pay to keep my account active?
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Latest By Support Team

20 June 2022

Started 20 June 2022 by contactus9

Ask a Question absolut images path to relative images path

Hello, I would like to display nicepages images with a relative path and not absolut as is currently the case. How can I do ? thank you
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Latest By angelo-gelez

20 June 2022

Started 20 June 2022 by angelo-gelez

Ask a Question facebook button login

how to create a login page with facebook and gmail button in sign up
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20 June 2022

Started 20 June 2022 by mariam.roushdy88