Wishlist 200+ Nicepage Features

We have added the new Features page. We tried to summarize what Nicpeage has in general, which should help existing and new users understand our website builder. We are thankful for your commitment,...
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Latest By Support Team

29 July 2021

Started 29 July 2021 by Support Team

Ask a Question error when trying to save

I'm getting an error all of the sudden and can't save any of my sites.
8 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

29 July 2021

Started 29 July 2021 by ianrattray

Ask a Question button (code) to toggle visibility of content

Hi, I am building a website to my partner. He wants a web page which - by default - only shows the menu and the topmost block including a button to trigger the visibility of the rest of the page....
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Latest By Support Team

29 July 2021

Started 29 July 2021 by laszlo.venczel

Ask a Question Header shadow stays when scrolling back to top

Hello NP-Team, thanks for the latest update on NP. A big thumb up for the shadow feature on sticky header. It is very usefull especially when header and block has the same bg-color. Now my question -...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

30 July 2021

Started 29 July 2021 by thilo

Ask a Question Cropping Images is not saving

Hello, When we insert an image into a block, we are able to crop it to the size we want. However, after it is saved, change pages and come back, it goes back to the original size. This is from a...
2 Replies
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Latest By Vandy

30 July 2021

Started 29 July 2021 by Vandy

Ask a Question Navigation query

How can i link the project to menu? e.G when i click projects in menu aor any other menu item it takes me to the that part or block on the same page.?
2 Replies
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Latest By synestanew

30 July 2021

Started 30 July 2021 by synestanew

Ask a Question Using Nicepage with 3DCart

I have a store I created using 3dCart (now called "shift4shop"). I am trying to use Nicepage to create custom pages since they are have limitations (They do not have any page builder options for extra...
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Latest By Support Team

02 August 2021

Started 01 August 2021 by justin.wallace0523

Ask a Question How to change the font to write the code of the HTML page/web page?

I am very inspired by this community This community is very good and people are very helpful so I am here to ask a question about font style my question is how to write an HTML code in the stylish...
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Latest By Support Team

02 August 2021

Started 01 August 2021 by delilahjacob337

Ask a Question Web domain

Hello, I creante template by your system and sent it to FTP. My domain make this http://www.carbon-jicin.cz/?fbclid=IwAR2QkU4NKZermYHUb63bcWIU-xQtxUsgWofSaX7BUfT7j8nd1dVjpf9WNG0 What should I do...
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Latest By Support Team

02 August 2021

Started 01 August 2021 by obchod162

Ask a Question Email form Submission Dynamic From Address

on an email submission form, I would like to have it use the Form input email address (from) to send rather than the supplied email in the settings. If this is not possible, can someone explain why?
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

05 April 2022

Started 01 August 2021 by greg2522

Ask a Question trouble Reloading program

Lost my projects on the computer. Wen I try to download NicePage it looks for my old projects and does not complete installation of Nice Page Desktop.
2 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By MerlinAZ

02 August 2021

Started 02 August 2021 by billkelleher2017

Ask a Question Mouse over

Please, could you tell me, that is possible make this efect with nicepage? You could see it on this page and the part is in the picture. https://cerstveutrzeno.cz/ Mouseover effect and change items...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

02 August 2021

Started 02 August 2021 by l.glaser

Ask a Question Importing HTML

I am researching a tool for use with a future project. So far, I love you NicePage. It is the best editor I have come across. My only problem is that I have 100,000 existing pages, which I need it to...
4 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By cj334

16 March 2023

Started 02 August 2021 by racecannon0110

Ask a Question I have a website to host

I have a website to host, do I just import the website to Nicepage, isnt there a cpanel I should have or only the websites I build with Nicepage are Hosted?
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

05 August 2021

Started 02 August 2021 by dianna2

Ask a Question ERROR de guardado

Desde el WP (del cliente) estoy editando importado desde el soft de escritorio. Quiero modificar el tamaño del logo, y lo que hago NO se refleja al publicar/guardar la pagina. NO se puede cambiar el...
5 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By lauravalm

03 August 2021

Started 02 August 2021 by lauravalm