Ask a Question Exporting multiple css files for pages instead of just one.

Why when I export as HTML it gives me a stylesheet CSS for every single page and not just one css file in a css folder????? Not very tidy.
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Latest By Support Team

31 August 2020

Started 30 August 2020 by christa112

Ask a Question Menu error - change page template

Hello ! When i want to change my menu or just would to be visible on the website, a message appears : "Entête will not be visible on website please change page template". I don't undestand what i have...
11 Replies
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Latest By rider-lioran

14 September 2020

Started 31 August 2020 by rider-lioran

Ask a Question Page width

Hello, I already read on the forum, but is it really impossible to change the width of the page arbitrarily? The project is 1920 px wide, with completely different proportions. This is one of the...
4 Replies
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Latest By tanker974

29 October 2021

Started 31 August 2020 by radek108

Wishlist Feature request: Block copying from one page/project to different page/project

It's great that you added Page copying from project to project, but it would be also great if one could copy block from one page or project, to another page or project. And considering you implemented...
6 Replies
9 Votes

Latest By Support Team

23 November 2020

Started 31 August 2020 by mihaelmiki1232

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01 September 2020

Started 01 September 2020 by malikmalik1310113

Ask a Question nice page plugin in WordPress asking for user id password bbut they are matching with my purchansed credentials

I have purchased the Pro version and using Nicepage pro desktop app. Yesterday I installed the nice page plugin in WordPress website development. Problem is i cannot login with my purchased...
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Latest By Support Team

03 September 2020

Started 03 September 2020 by sultanuzzaman2020

Ask a Question nice page plugin in WordPress asking for user id password but they are not matching with my purchansed credentials

I have purchased the Pro version and using Nicepage pro desktop app. Yesterday I installed the nice page plugin in WordPress website development. Problem is i cannot login with my purchased...
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Latest By Support Team

03 September 2020

Started 03 September 2020 by sultanuzzaman2020

Ask a Question How to use Nicepage header and footer in my 404 + search results pages in Wordpress

Hi there I was wondering how to use the Nicepage version of my header and footer on 404 + search pages? Right now the website imports the template version of my Nicepage template which is not the...
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Latest By Support Team

04 September 2020

Started 03 September 2020 by kontakt73

Report a bug Module page visibility

a nicepage template. with some joomla named positions in joomla I have a module that shows in the defined position. page visibility: On all pages. we do some nicepage source update, we export joomla...
4 Replies
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Latest By nerviroberto

28 February 2021

Started 03 September 2020 by nerviroberto

Ask a Question dublicate created pages in WordPress

Hello everybody. How can I dublicate created entire pages in WordPress? In the desktop version this is very easy to do this via the overview page. Is it not possible to dublicate entire NP-pages in...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

07 September 2020

Started 06 September 2020 by Nilz van Lipp

Ask a Question Wordpress Page and Post Template Footer

Hi, I take out the design as a Wordpress theme. I am uploading. Then I am making changes to the page designs of the theme Footer. But I cannot change Post Template and Blog Template footer. I've...
6 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By thommen

23 August 2021

Started 07 September 2020 by WebDesigner88

Ask a Question Buttons can not reference a block on a different page

one key subject of SEO is linking from one page to another. I already know that sub menus referencing to blocks works only in one page mode, so I thought to use buttons, I ran into the same problem....
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

14 September 2020

Started 13 September 2020 by manager182

Ask a Question Header is small when moving down the page

Hello, I wanted to see if it is possible to make the header fixed, but when you lower the logo it becomes smaller as I have seen it in some web pages. Thank you very much, I will be attentive to your...
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Latest By Support Team

14 September 2020

Started 13 September 2020 by hectorleal

Wishlist Web application Admin pages layouts and related blocks

Hello! I think this is a great product and maybe could be even better. I'm a web developer and I often need to build administration web pages to be used in web applications. It would be a great thing...
2 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By adrianfar3245

14 January 2023

Started 13 September 2020 by stefano.pascolini

Ask a Question How to publish my pages on wordpress

Good Morning, I just created a page with the wordpress pluging but now i am not available to publish it. How can i do this? Thanks a lot in advance
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

06 September 2021

Started 14 September 2020 by marketingmarcelodiaz.teatro