Ask a Question Question about anchoring a video in the lower corner of the website

I'd like to explore the idea of making an AI video introduction and placing it in the lower right/left corner of the home page but before I go down that rabbit hole, can this be done with Nicepage?
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Latest By Support Team

14 August 2023

Started 14 August 2023 by chuck.gray1

Ask a Question caching in nicepage

is there a default time set for caching for the pages created via nicepage app ?? . becuse even after updating files via FTP and refresh the pages the new pages are not loading. kindly help
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Latest By Support Team

14 August 2023

Started 14 August 2023 by WPI

Ask a Question restore website

Hi Can please restore site 173960574. Thank you.
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14 August 2023

Started 14 August 2023 by sajith.roshan


scroll animation is not working, even though i have tried many ways but scroll is not working at all. Hope nicepage will improve this error.
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14 August 2023

Started 14 August 2023 by kieutiennt.desginer

Ask a Question Project

Hi I cannot find my project. Please assist. Thank you
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14 August 2023

Started 12 August 2023 by sajith.roshan

Ask a Question Kontaktformular

Hallo ist es nicht möglich das man über das Kontaktformular eine Kopie dem Absender zukommen lässt ?
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14 August 2023

Started 11 August 2023 by info108242

Ask a Question Paypal order processing outstide of subscription

Will the PayPal integration still work if my Nicepage Business Subscription expires?
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14 August 2023

Started 12 August 2023 by tworoarks

Ask a Question Membership and subscribers

Have you added subscriber sign in yet FOR MY USERS? Just checking as no website can be successful without it. Imagine yours without signin? So I wan just checking before trying your platform
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14 August 2023

Started 12 August 2023 by 123261

Ask a Question SSL certificate for

I need your help to set up the SSL certificate for
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14 August 2023

Started 10 August 2023 by balitennis

Ask a Question WordPress

If I use the Windows app and export it as a WordPress theme and put it on my own WordPress hosting does the monthly form submission still work and are they limited the same as on your web hosting as...
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Latest By Support Team

14 August 2023

Started 12 August 2023 by

Ask a Question I have a question, how to publish my website correctly...

I would like to know how to publish my website correctly, with my custom domain that I bought at go daddy, could you help me with that? please... Is there a guide that I can follow? My website is...
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Latest By Support Team

14 August 2023

Started 13 August 2023 by yamiddejesus10

Ask a Question Necesito conectar mi dominio a nicepage

Como puedo conectar mi dominio propio a nice Page
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13 August 2023

Started 25 May 2022 by mhc2302

Ask a Question Image not loading

Hello, I have this website ( and I was offline for a week. I log in to nicepage online editor and suddenly the background images won't load on the website or in the...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

12 August 2023

Started 12 August 2023 by TechBlog&News

Report a bug cannot find project

Hi please help to locate site 173960574. Thank you
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Latest By Support Team

12 August 2023

Started 12 August 2023 by sajith.roshan

Ask a Question looking for a template ID, and it's not found.

Hi! I'm looking for a template ID, and it's not found. What should I do? Example: id 241633
7 Replies
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Latest By coolfactor

12 August 2023

Started 16 October 2021 by tagw