Ask a Question Resolution in Nicepage

Hello. What is the recommended resolution for photographies to use in Nicepage? And what is the higher resolution that can be used? Is Nicepage appropriate for a photography website and can it display...
6 Replies
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Latest By tsacunha

18 March 2024

Started 18 March 2024 by tsacunha

Ask a Question Site Settings

What is image lazy loading and why should I use it? What is Disable Open Graph and why and when should I use it? What is Google Analytics ID and why should I use it? What is Google Tag Manager and why...
6 Replies
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Latest By candoo

28 March 2024

Started 28 March 2024 by candoo

Ask a Question Menu and Footer

Dear Nicepage Support Team, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to you as a long-standing and committed user of Nicepage and before that, Artisteer. Over the years, I have deeply...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

08 April 2024

Started 31 March 2024 by josesalloum

Ask a Question Any Ideas for Updating Events

Any ideas for methods or plugins that will push social media posts to the website automatically? I publish Nicepage sites in Joomla and Wordpress. I find that my clients tend to have a variety of...
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Latest By Support Team

04 April 2024

Started 04 April 2024 by trenton_hunt2

Wishlist using fig and figcaption with nicepage

How do I use fig and figcaption with nicepage? Using the and tags is considered a best practice for associating images with captions in a way that is semantically correct and understandable by both...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

16 April 2024

Started 14 April 2024 by marcus60

Ask a Question File Management In WP Plugin

Is Nicepage compatible with, or been tested with any of the WP file management plugins? Some of my larger websites have many image files and documents. Creating folders to manage files is very helpful...
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Latest By Support Team

16 April 2024

Started 16 April 2024 by SignatureWeb

Ask a Question Problem with mixed content for Iphones using Chrome

I didn't add this and it's not in my media library but this is causing mixed content error. This is in some kind of nicepage container, as far as I can tell. I am having this problem on...
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Latest By Support Team

03 May 2024

Started 02 May 2024 by randy.gartman

Report a bug add media

I tried adding my own pictures. They are added. They cannot be selected in my downloaded ones. You can select (a check mark appears) only in the “all” column. And there are only the first 5 of them....
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Latest By Support Team

20 May 2024

Started 20 May 2024 by typ_71

Ask a Question writing prom for a page generation system using AI

I'm trying to create a website with the following structure using AI: Website Structure for a Mini-Hotel 1.Homepage: • Welcome message with the hotel's unique offer. • Large, attractive photos of the...
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Latest By Support Team

4 weeks ago

Started 4 weeks ago by p.v.nikolenko

Ask a Question Confusing Pricing

Hi, So if I buy your first pricing pack I can only use one domain with it? And limited to a few colours?
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

3 weeks ago

Started 4 weeks ago by info127832

Ask a Question Как добавить страницу 404 на устанвленный с помощью NicePage сайт на Wordpress

Как добавить страницу 404 на устанвленный с помощью NicePage сайт на Wordpress
42 Replies
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Latest By DJpep


Started 3 weeks ago by pechera20042

Ask a Question Pictures Format

Hello to the professionals, I like to use webp format for images. Is there a Wordpress plugin that converts the images to WEBP? I already tried two here, unfortunately all ICON were also edited and...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

2 weeks ago

Started 3 weeks ago by tdi-tuning

Wishlist Open last used folder

Dear NicePage, Every time I want to upload for example a picture, it starts everytime from a specific folder what I once used for a specific website. Ik keeps remembering this folder no matter how...
6 Replies
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2 weeks ago

Started 2 weeks ago by Kanon Graphics

Ask a Question Demande Menu personnalisé

Madame Monsieur Bonjour,! J'aimerais savoir s'il est possible de faire ce type de menu personnalisée ou pas ! Merci de votre aide ! Cordialement Corentin
4 Replies
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3 days ago

Started 3 days ago by Corentin