add media

1 Posts
typ_71 posted this 4 weeks ago
Report a bug

I tried adding my own pictures. They are added. They cannot be selected in my downloaded ones. You can select (a check mark appears) only in the “all” column. And there are only the first 5 of them. It turns out that if I need to add an already existing picture, I have to rename it, add it under a new name and search in the newly added ones. Very inconvenient, please pay attention

I tried adding my own pictures. They are added. They cannot be selected in my downloaded ones. You can select (a check mark appears) only in the “all” column. And there are only the first 5 of them. It turns out that if I need to add an already existing picture, I have to rename it, add it under a new name and search in the newly added ones. Very inconvenient, please pay attention
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 4 weeks ago


The fix for this issue is already available in Nicepage v.6.10.5
Thank you for reporting the issue.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello, The fix for this issue is already available in Nicepage v.6.10.5 Thank you for reporting the issue. Sorry for the inconvenience. ................................................... Sincerely, Anna. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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