Ask a Question Spell Checker, Come On Guys

I have been using a Nicepage subscription to work on my own computer for about a month now. I previously ran several Wordpress sites for many years and was very familiar with all the problems, the...
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Latest By Support Team

28 May 2024

Started 05 May 2023 by gvoice2005

Report a bug Some elements still have the old animation settings

Some elements still have the old animation settings. Why is that?
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27 May 2024

Started 27 May 2024 by xvemanuelvx

Ask a Question Do not need a hosting site!

I already have a web host. just want the Nicepage page construction app. Can I get the package without the hosting plan? Seems redundant for me!
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Latest By Support Team

27 May 2024

Started 27 May 2024 by madjordainian

Ask a Question Issue with Google not indexing the page

Hello and Respect, Subject: Issue with Google not indexing the page due to the publication of the site with identical content on two different domains I wanted to explain about a problem that has...
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27 May 2024

Started 26 May 2024 by daneshgarnet

Ask a Question Demande d'un abonnement de 4 mois

Bonjour, J'ai besoin d'utiliser nicepage que pendant 4 mois pour un projet scolaire. Est-ce que vous pouvez me proposer un abonnement pour 3 mois? Merci de votre réponse. Cordialement
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27 May 2024

Started 27 May 2024 by cecile.mikoung

Ask a Question recent purchase

hello, I received this email after purchase while I paid for. what is this?can I confirm by email address? or can I ask for refund? BTW I have a file from you that mentioned my Purchase( summery) is...
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27 May 2024

Started 27 May 2024 by hamrahtellmarketing

Wishlist How to redirect www to non www version nicepage hosting and also robots.txt

Hello. It is 2024 and you have still not provided robots.txt in nicepage hosting. Also how do i 301 redirect www and non www version as i dont have access to htaccess file Please help these are...
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Latest By Support Team

27 May 2024

Started 27 May 2024 by vaivhav

Report a bug "Create links without .html" no longer works

Hi, At some point within the past few months, after recent site (and Nicepage) updates, the option to create links without .html stopped working and those links on my site that previously worked...
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27 May 2024

Started 24 May 2024 by The Game Editors

Ask a Question Product list item number

Hello, My shop has over 500 products, and showing only 25 item per page creates up to 20 page Is there a way to raise this number? The desktop app not allowing me to go above this number Also the...
6 Replies
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Latest By darkweasam

27 May 2024

Started 08 October 2022 by darkweasam

Ask a Question Change menu icon

how to change hamburger menu icon on mouse over?
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27 May 2024

Started 25 May 2024 by luca14882

Ask a Question re subscription prices

hi are the prices for packages PRO once of for a year.
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27 May 2024

Started 27 May 2024 by ciamacco

Ask a Question Modificare e salvare solo una pagina

Salve, posso modificare ed esportare in html una sola pagina del sito? Se la risposta è si, come si fa?
5 Replies
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27 May 2024

Started 08 May 2023 by flavio.frontone2

Ask a Question Ustawienia strony

Witam. Proszę o wskazanie instrukcji jak wypełnić USTAWIENIA STRONY, OGÓLNE, SEO, SPOŁECZNOŚCIOWE, HTML, CSS. Co należy wpisać w poszczególne. Jak wpisac słowa kluczowe ? Jak mają być oddzielone słowa...
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27 May 2024

Started 26 May 2024 by robertolszak1

Ask a Question My site doesn't work after i publish it

It says 'Could not be found." It is also missing one of my menu pages (named 'The Issues") What do you suggest i do?
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27 May 2024

Started 30 January 2021 by theparleusezine

Wishlist paralax image not working on mobile view

Paralax image working in all modes except mobile views. Please advise on how to correct this.
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26 May 2024

Started 25 May 2024 by candoo