Ask a Question Why does my homepage go to a section on the page

When you go to my homepage it goes to a section on the page. How do I get it to be at the top of the page.
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Latest By ben1146

07 April 2022

Started 07 April 2022 by ben1146

Ask a Question 3 questions

Good Morning I'm interested in buying One Pack Business Or Pro I would like to inform me if on the pack includ hosting and, if i can use the software in 2 pc thank you ..
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Latest By MerlinAZ

18 April 2022

Started 18 April 2022 by logkost2

Ask a Question Shopify Support

Hi Team, kudos to the developers for this amazing tool! Just wanted to check if you guys have an option to design a section and take its coding in a single notepad file. We want to get it...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

22 April 2022

Started 22 April 2022 by peshawaria96

Ask a Question create section template

Hi there, Is there a way to create design templates? I know how to duplicate a page. I'm thinking more like the ability to duplicate sections or group of blocks and add them to other pages. This...
2 Replies
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Latest By payperwordltd

10 June 2022

Started 26 May 2022 by payperwordltd

Ask a Question GDPR / Cookie Infoblock: Slider indicators wrong Z index

Hello, The slider indicators are displayed above the GDPR / Cookie Infoblock (Cookie banner / popup). Here the Z index is wrong for the indicators. How can this be corrected? See picture (Link):...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

07 June 2022

Started 04 June 2022 by peter1985

Wishlist Export a section as Gutenberg Block

Hi, Would be great if you can add Nicepage section/block export to Gutenberg block. In this way we can use Nicepage to create standalone Gutenberg blocks which can be used without Nicepage wordpress...
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Latest By Support Team

31 August 2022

Started 30 August 2022 by WEB DESIGN STUDIO

Abuse Public information, complaint and claim to Nicepage

Public information, complaint and claim Unfortunately, we made a decision regarding not continuing next year with Nicepage, due to lack of attention, in a particular case and of high priority for us,...
22 Replies
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Latest By peter1985

09 October 2022

Started 20 September 2022 by etorres

Ask a Question remove info about "website builer" from my footer

Please let me know if i can and how to remove info about "website builder" from my footer with link to nicepage. I understand it is possible in paid subsctiption.
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Latest By jurand.szczerkowski

20 October 2022

Started 20 October 2022 by jurand.szczerkowski

Abuse need information

Hi i am unable to get the features in my applications 1.10,000+ Page and Block designs , 2. Block Layouts 3. Grid styles 4. Modal Popups How to get these features in my application kindly let me...
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Latest By Support Team

30 November 2022

Started 30 November 2022 by purnasekhhu

Ask a Question Maggiori info sul sito

Buonasera, ho praticamente finito il sito e sto facendo gli ultimi test, ma ho un dubbio a sito web già pubblicato: se poi in futuro andrò ad aggiungere altre cose all'interno del sito, come faccio...
2 Replies
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Latest By chiara.cily

05 December 2022

Started 04 December 2022 by chiara.cily

Ask a Question Solicitud de información

Buenas tardes estimados, el presente es para solicitar información sobre como una ves activa la pagina puedo actualizar los datos publicados, debo desconectar primero? o hay una opción para...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

14 December 2022

Started 13 December 2022 by SUPLIDORES BIO-TEC, C.A.

Ask a Question Publishing my udated web information

Hello, I've updated my information on my pages and now need to Publish to my existing website. How do I do this. my website is and it's thru GoDaddy. Any help would be...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

24 January 2023

Started 19 January 2023 by rafting

Ask a Question Copy and paste keywords/description in SEO section

I have a customer who sent me the keywords for their new website in an email. I copy the keywords, but when I open the SEO section in Nicepage, it won't let me paste them. Nothing happens when I...
2 Replies
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Latest By bluedeker002

26 January 2023

Started 26 January 2023 by bluedeker002

Ask a Question Member section

hi Does nicepage allow membership section? where users can choose a username and password? like wordpress?
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Latest By Support Team

31 January 2023

Started 30 January 2023 by webmaster462

Ask a Question hide the section below the footer

Hi, how can I hide the section "Website Templates created with Website Builder Software" below the footer? Thanks in advance Fabrizio
2 Replies
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Latest By BLU

07 March 2023

Started 06 March 2023 by BLU