Ask a Question form on the website

Please let me know how to create a form on a website that will not be saved in any database, but will simply be sent to the target email address. I don't want information about sent forms to be saved...
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Latest By Support Team

09 October 2023

Started 05 October 2023 by

Ask a Question contact form settings doesn't display option for form form submission

I recently noticed that my nicepage app doesn't display options for form submission when I try to edit my "submit to" settings. It only displays email submission option. I want to use a custom php to...
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Latest By Support Team

09 October 2023

Started 07 October 2023 by ihediohaudoka

Ask a Question Different Off-Canvas Sidebars on Different Pages

I have an off canvas sidebar that currently has completely different options than the header. However, I want to have a different sidebar for each page- for example, the sidebar for about.html would...
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09 October 2023

Started 06 October 2023 by aldriix

Ask a Question Translate product list

Hello everyone, Sorry if this was sayed, but i dont find it. Is possible translate sorting category? For example: "Name, A to Z" translate as "Název vzestupně"
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09 October 2023

Started 06 October 2023 by Kamil.123

Ask a Question Add page error 404

hello, how can I add an error 404 page online? I don’t work on nicepage desktop Thank you
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08 October 2023

Started 08 October 2023 by info7122

Ask a Question Developer Help

I created a nice page and its not coming out right. I need help getting it corrected? Do you have a community of developers that can help me? Thanks
10 Replies
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Latest By Oscar1495

08 October 2023

Started 15 March 2021 by solutionresponse

Ask a Question Need advice on plan to purchse

Hi Team, We are considering purchasing your product, we have a few questions for guidance. 1. Which plan would would best for us to build sites in Wordpress? 2. we have 158 sites we need to migrate...
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Latest By Support Team

08 October 2023

Started 08 October 2023 by MikeWebGuy

Ask a Question Adding payment options to our website

I need assistance in adding this credit card payment option to our website ASAP please. Additional steps for Apple Pay Complete these steps to verify your ownership of the domain for Apple...
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Latest By Support Team

08 October 2023

Started 08 October 2023 by will.sancheze

Ask a Question DNS records

Dear reader, I'm trying to link a google domain to an existing website hosted by you ( needs to become So I need the DNS records of that website by contacting the...
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08 October 2023

Started 08 October 2023 by aepvandenboogert

Ask a Question e-mail

How do I include the form in an e-mail?
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07 October 2023

Started 07 October 2023 by barbara9nv

Ask a Question transfer nicepage site to wordpres local

How can I transfer a site created in Nicepage to local WordPress? is there a tutorial?
2 Replies
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Latest By jack.from.canada

07 October 2023

Started 06 October 2023 by gianlucolici

Ask a Question Themes for wordpress

Hi gang, Would you please revert back to the way it was when searching the Wordpress themes? Now it gives this general overview unless I search for something but I prefer to see the options without...
3 Replies
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Latest By jack.from.canada

07 October 2023

Started 27 August 2021 by JLP

Ask a Question Applicazione desktop bloccata su loading

Buongiorno, sto provando ad aprire da giorni l'applicazione ma rimane perennemente in fase di Loading. Ho disinstallato e scaricato il plugin più volte senza risultati. Allego l'immagine
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Latest By prescelli71

07 October 2023

Started 07 October 2023 by prescelli71

Ask a Question Оптимізація програми для Apple M1

Доброго дня! Чи планується оптимізація десктоп-программи для процесорів Apple M1, M2.... Я знаю що програма працює і так, але хотілось би повну оптимізація під даний тип процесорів.
5 Replies
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06 October 2023

Started 21 September 2023 by

Ask a Question Exportar pagina desde wordprees

Buenas tardes. Tengo una pagina en wordprees realizada en nicepage como la puedo editar en mi aplicación de escritorio o exportarla
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06 October 2023

Started 06 October 2023 by cristianprez03