Report a bug Hamburger Menue

Hello out there Im comming back to nicepage after a few months, and things are not working as usual The Hamburger menue does not work. I tried now for two hours and I am really pissed, that after all...
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Latest By Support Team

08 November 2021

Started 02 November 2021 by elektroknecht4

Report a bug Problem with header and menu text shadow

Dear Nicepage team, I'm new Nicepage user (ex Adobe Muse user) and I have only positive impressions about you app. But there's one bug which I cam across during the website creation. I have create...
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Latest By Support Team

10 November 2021

Started 10 November 2021 by igor.kulundzic

Ask a Question Joomla Menus after content replacement

At each content replacement in Joomla I have to reset all the menus. That is onerous and tedious. Surely content replacement should also adjust the menus if needed as well? Regards, Rob
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Latest By Support Team

03 December 2021

Started 02 December 2021 by Rob19

Ask a Question Unable to change width of hamburger menu

Hello, I've been enjoying Nicepage so far. It's an excellent web design software compared to others I have used in the past but I'm currently facing a bug that I still cant wrap my head around. After...
10 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

07 February 2023

Started 08 December 2021 by CharlieXVi

Ask a Question HAMBURGER menu doesn't change color

When I add hamburger menu to phone version of the site, and try to change the color to white doesn't work. I changed the fill and it stays the same. I only want 3 lines to be white, but instead it...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

25 January 2022

Started 10 January 2022 by fotomatjasic

Report a bug Hamburger Menu: Background transparency

Dear development team, since the last update to 4.3.3. there is a problem with the burger menu. Background transparency no longer works, showing solid color instead. Unfortunately, this bug affects...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

02 March 2022

Started 24 January 2022 by Piet1234

Ask a Question Problemas con la visualización del menu y submenu en version movil

Hola. En la versión móvil el menu no despliega el submenu, ni da posibilidad de hacer click en él. No sé cual puede ser el problema, ya que en la versión para pantalla si que funciona bien. ¿Alguna...
2 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

07 February 2022

Started 07 February 2022 by Asier As

Ask a Question Hamburger Menu

Hello, I am going creazy with the hamburger menu, not possible to change colour and the size of the bar, fixed 300px. Other issue: in the mobile vision the screen appears divided in two sections,...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

08 February 2022

Started 08 February 2022 by Studio Stefano Piaggi


Hey Nicepage Team. I would like change the size of the X (CLOSE BUTTON) size in hamburger menu with CSS or any other method. Is it possible to guide me to target the right CSS element or help find...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

14 February 2023

Started 22 February 2022 by axopoulosdennis

Ask a Question Can you build a vertical menu in Nicepage

Until November last year I used Artisteer (first 3.1 and then 4.0) with great pleasure. I build many websites for clients and made templates they wanted in their own house style. Because Joomla 4.0 no...
7 Replies
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Latest By martin.dvorak

25 November 2022

Started 26 February 2022 by Elal

Ask a Question Problem with menus

I have problem with menus. When i create the menus and subitems , then i want to another page to build it and the meus and subitems dissapear and i need to build again menus. What is the problem?
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Latest By Support Team

08 March 2022

Started 08 March 2022 by andrikos_s3

Ask a Question Rounded corners on Dropdown menus

Is there a way to add rounded corners to drop down menus in the main navigation?
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Latest By Support Team

11 March 2022

Started 09 March 2022 by wesleyhamel

Ask a Question hamburger menu is not working anymore

My hamburger menu on mobile no longer works (! after the last update!!) The menu gives the link to and the button menu is not displayed either. Page changes color for a moment and then...
10 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By loztbruno

27 October 2023

Started 20 May 2022 by jh1478963

Ask a Question horizontal menu

Hi I am building a site On a desktop version horizontal menu appear, but in WordPress live is missing. Can you advice me how to solve this issue BR Ivo
2 Replies
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Latest By ivokk

27 May 2022

Started 26 May 2022 by ivokk

Ask a Question Header doesn't show menu when site is previewed

Header doesn't show menu when site is previewed. I do not understand why the header appears, but does not show the menu bar
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Latest By Support Team

13 June 2022

Started 10 June 2022 by davidmireland