Ask a Question Im Mobile Menu andere Linkaufrufe als im normalen Menu

Hallo, da ich in meiner mobilen ansicht andere Blöcke habe als auf meiner normalen Seite, müsste ich auch in meinem mobilen Menü den anderen Block aufrufen, wie mache ich das? In meinem normalen Menü...
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Latest By Support Team

01 February 2024

Started 31 January 2024 by sogroe

Ask a Question Language - Brazilian Portuguese Icon

In the menu of languages ​​to add to the header there are dozens of countries. However, there is no Portuguese language icon from Brazil, only Portuguese from Portugal. This prevents me from using...
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Latest By Support Team

01 February 2024

Started 31 January 2024 by relictiff3

Ask a Question Custom Colours & Fonts

I am currently using the trial phase, to start and create a website for my best friends wedding. Now I have decided to buy the license, but I am unsure, whether my needs are covered in the "Personal"...
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Latest By Support Team

01 February 2024

Started 01 February 2024 by istvan.krivanek

Ask a Question Non breaking space

Line wraps in the middle of a text showing dates or figures are plain ugly. The solution could be placing a non breaking space there, but how do I do that in Nicepage?
12 Replies
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Latest By johnny.fowler2

01 February 2024

Started 01 December 2018 by DixQue

Ask a Question Missing Template Type

I need urgently the Default Template. If I try in the desktop app to create this template, it isntt possible, because you have to choose a type. And in the list of types there isn't this type. So It...
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01 February 2024

Started 30 January 2024 by friederike

Ask a Question Iubenda Cookie policy and consent management solution

Hi, would you consider integrating iubenda ( into Nicepage? Their privacy services are critical and I have lots of difficulties in managing the integration if the website has more than one...
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Latest By Support Team

01 February 2024

Started 01 February 2024 by maobolgi

Wishlist дубликат всплывающего окна

Мне кажется, что необходимо перед тем как продавать лицензию клиентам ( не обязательно для редакторов), делать тесты на зрение и на IQ. Вот я не могу понять чего у меня не хватает , зрение плохое или...
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Latest By Support Team

01 February 2024

Started 01 February 2024 by Alexandr Hunta

Wishlist capabilities of the product

Lot's & Lots & Lots & Lots of MASSIVE CONFUSION surrounding the capabilities of the product, what it can do and how to use it when it comes to working with it and WordPress. First of all...
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Latest By Support Team

01 February 2024

Started 01 February 2024 by Jesci

Ask a Question Use my subscription from 2 pc

I normally use my Premium subscription from my desktop PC, but I also require access from my laptop. Is it possible? how?
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Latest By Support Team

01 February 2024

Started 31 January 2024 by luiscarlosh

Ask a Question Every word capitalized

Why are my headers all starting every word with a capital letter?
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01 February 2024

Started 31 January 2024 by hardin.county.clerk

Ask a Question changes affect all pages

When I design a new page why does it change all the other pages
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01 February 2024

Started 01 February 2024 by paul3358

Report a bug Can not open nicepage normally

dear all, i can not open nicepage normally. it stuck in loading condition forever
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Latest By Support Team

01 February 2024

Started 31 January 2024 by z.s.arifin2

Wishlist Media Library - new features requested !!

Typically, when you have a Library, you typically have a way to manage it. Managing generally means more than just adding, or deleting images. Yes, you can currently Move images. But here's where you...
3 Replies
6 Votes

Latest By Support Team

01 February 2024

Started 26 January 2024 by JRC

Ask a Question Hosting

Is it possible to use nicepage to create a website and then host this website on our own server? (Self-hosted)
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Latest By MerlinAZ

01 February 2024

Started 01 February 2024 by bp7264

Ask a Question domain registration

do you have domain registration available?
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Latest By MerlinAZ

31 January 2024

Started 31 January 2024 by dfranklin