Wishlist Multi language and more

Hi, I remember that multi-language was planned for 2021? I know i can implement different pages for different languages or using plugin, but knowing if in future nicepage will have this feature should...
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Latest By gabrieleviola.it

25 March 2022

Started 24 March 2022 by gabrieleviola.it

Ask a Question Export and preview bug there is no relationship between what is done and what is exported

In this particular case there is no relationship between what is done and what is exported. This is very frustrating...lots of bugs and inconveniences... A lot of time is spent trying to control the...
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Latest By Support Team

25 March 2022

Started 25 March 2022 by zegpi1976

Ask a Question How to join Beta?

How to join Beta?
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28 March 2022

Started 28 March 2022 by r1834

Ask a Question probleme avec version mobile et pc

Bonjour, j'ai un très gros soucis avec la version mobile, car elle n'affiche pas les mêmes textes que la version pc. Pire les modification de mise en forme sur mobile agissent sur la version pc, c'est...
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Latest By Support Team

01 April 2022

Started 29 March 2022 by klotandiok2

Ask a Question Графики

Подскажи как можно сделать графики ?
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Latest By Support Team

29 March 2022

Started 29 March 2022 by 708210

Ask a Question Mobile x Desktop

How I change the image for mobile? A image for each resolution, actually.
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Latest By MerlinAZ

29 March 2022

Started 29 March 2022 by gus.teixeirasilv

Wishlist Creating image Gallery

Hello, When I create an images Gallery using a group of pictures from my PC, I don't understand in which sequence the pictures appear in the Nicepage Gallery. For instance, I names my pictures on the...
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Latest By Support Team

31 March 2022

Started 31 March 2022 by jeanmasson

Ask a Question Premium Plans

Hi, If I were to purchase the Premium Plan "Business". For "10,000+ Page and Block designs" and "Full design customization" will only last one year? And will have to purchase again the following...
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Latest By Support Team

01 April 2022

Started 01 April 2022 by elsa.spaffluence

Ask a Question Wordpress

So anyway i see may read it all on NP web site but not clear. For example: - I need pages on my web site- Main page with info and products cards, Do i need to insert products cards to main page? - I...
8 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

06 April 2022

Started 01 April 2022 by mb652

Wishlist Feedback after a few weeks of use

Hello, I first gave a good appraisal for this product, but after using it in working on several web site I change my mind. Nicepage is a very good system as far as design a web site (to make it have a...
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Latest By Support Team

04 April 2022

Started 02 April 2022 by jeanmasson

Ask a Question RTL, Same reply for years, Why?????????????

Years ago, your response has not changed regarding the addition of the RTL feature. I think this is a disregard for your customers and indifference, plus there is no sincere intention to add this...
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Latest By Support Team

04 April 2022

Started 03 April 2022 by ogalyweb

Ask a Question Version Pro cancel subscribtion

My subscribtion for pro version expire in may, do i have to cancel it or does it stop automaticly?
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Latest By Support Team

06 April 2022

Started 06 April 2022 by bakker

Wishlist Pagination for image galery

Bonjour, j'ai une page qui affiche une galerie d'image. Je souhaiterai savoir s'il est possible de limiter le nombre d'image affiché sur la page, et d'afficher le reste des images sur d'autres pages...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

24 June 2022

Started 06 April 2022 by angelo-gelez

Ask a Question Deceptive site ahead

Hello and thanks in advance for the help. I purchased nicepage because of the user-friendly capabilities and features, etc. I re-developed my website and published it to my hosting company. When...
21 Replies
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Latest By carlos.antunez

20 April 2022

Started 06 April 2022 by carlos.antunez

Ask a Question Move photo to another galery/block

Hi friends! I´ve 2 blocks. In each block is one galery with 6 photos (3x2). How can I move one foto to another galery/block? Tks.
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08 April 2022

Started 07 April 2022 by jmelati