Cómo escalar un elemento mientras se desplaza sobre un cuadro o celda de cuadrícula

Escalar elementos o cambiar el tamaño proporcionalmente al pasar el mouse puede ser un efecto de animación interesante que puede sorprender a sus visitantes. Puede elegir Escala preestablecida y luego modificar las propiedades de Hover On Group en el Panel de propiedades haciendo clic en el enlace correspondiente. Para probar, haz clic en algún lugar del bloque y luego desplázate.

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Funciones relacionadas

How To Scale An Element While Hovering The Group

Scale or Zoom effects are one of the most popular hover effects today, which allows us to change the size of the items. Our service will enable you to easily create the image (like CSS) zoom effect and create wonderful pages. People use pure CSS zoom effect but use modern services to create mouse hovers using very simple tools. You will learn how to make elements zoom effects when a user hovers over the group with us. You can control the zoom of an image hover zoom effect and transform it. Like the CSS image hover zoom animation, our effect allows you to zoom up several times the original size of the item.

If you don't know how to make a zoom effect, visit Nicepage, and here you will find all the necessary instruments to create a wonderful design using the mouse hover effect. With it, you can (like CSS) transform property and setting easily and get a unique design. Similar to the CSS transform property changing process, with us, you can very simple change settings and rotate, move, zoom, and transform web design items. It is a very useful feature, even if the user wants to skip to content and don't waste time. We allow you to transform items on the X or Y-axis like CSS transitions.

Hover effects for the group elements can attract users when they mouse hover on the group, and the item changes size. Many people with CSS transform zoom properties, so you can use our service instead of him, which allows you to change every transition property. This animation enables to zoom up the element (like the CSS) when the users' mouse hover over the group of items. Like the CSS zoom animation, the zoom effect can make items more dynamic and responsive if you don't know how to Zoom-in (without CSS) or zoom-out items. This effect will make it easy. Open our website, select the item, then add the hover effect, in this case, zoom, and in a few seconds, your element is ready.