The European Union Legislation requires informing visitors if cookies are used on a website. Nicepage provides a unique feature to show a popup with the GDPR Cookie Cookie Consent.
You can easily access the Cookie Policy Popup in the Add Panel.
The Cookie Popup supports two types of buttons: Accept Cookies and Decline.
Cookie Preferences Element
You can add the new Cookie Preferences Element to the Grid to allow your site visitors to select the Cookie Type.
Cookie Preferences Properties
You can also set the Cookie Preferences Element's properties similar to the Contact Form's Checks List.
The Nicepage script creates a corresponding cookie when you click on each button. You can add a Custom Script to the Site Settings to achieve a specific result by clicking the Confirm/Decline buttons.
This script will be executed by clicking the Confirm button until the corresponding cookie exists. To ensure that the Cookie popup is displayed to your visitors, check the website in your browser's Incognito Mode.
The European Union Legislation requires informing visitors if cookies are used on a website. Nicepage provides a unique feature to show a popup with the GDPR Cookie Cookie Consent.
## Open Cookie Popup
You can easily access the Cookie Policy Popup in the Add Panel.
## Manage Cookie Popup Buttons
The Cookie Popup supports two types of buttons: Accept Cookies and Decline.
## Cookie Preferences Element
You can add the new Cookie Preferences Element to the Grid to allow your site visitors to select the Cookie Type.
### Cookie Preferences Properties
You can also set the Cookie Preferences Element's properties similar to the Contact Form's Checks List.
## Cookie Popup Script
The Nicepage script creates a corresponding cookie when you click on each button. You can add a Custom Script to the Site Settings to achieve a specific result by clicking the Confirm/Decline buttons.
This script will be executed by clicking the Confirm button until the corresponding cookie exists. To ensure that the Cookie popup is displayed to your visitors, check the website in your browser's *Incognito Mode.*