What's New in This Update?
- Multi-Language Sites In WordPress And Joomla
- Add language Element With Plugins
- Edit Translations In WordPress And Joomla
- Preview Translated Pages
- Language Layouts
- Language Layout Property
- Language Text Styling
- Language Dropdown Styling
- Language SEO Options
- Menu Item Text Translation
- Switch Language In Preview
- Undo / Redo For Language Element
- Quick Navigation In Language List
- Mega Menu Presets
- Localization Update
- Website Publishing Optimization
- New Block and Page Designs
Multi-Language Sites In WordPress And Joomla (Beta)
We have added support for the Multi-Language Sites in the Nicepage WordPress Plugin and Joomla Extension. We will implement the Language element support in the Online Editor in future updates.
Add language Element With Plugins
You can add the Language Element with the WordPress Plugin and Joomla Extension.
Edit Translations In WordPress And Joomla
Like the Applications, you can now edit translations with the WordPress Plugin and Joomla Extension.
Preview Translated Pages
You can also preview and test our pages and articles in WordPress and Joomla.
Language Layouts
We have added the new layouts for the Language Element, which you can use in your designs.
Language Layout Property
You can switch the Language Layout in the Property Panel for the selected Language element in the Header or Footer.
Language Text Styling
You can change the Text and Spacing Properties in the Property Panel for the Horizontal Language layouts.
You can also change the Spacing between the used Languages.
Language Dropdown Styling
You can change the Item and Dropdown Properties in the Property Panel for the Dropdown List layouts of the Language Element.
Language SEO Options
You can now set the SEO options for each added site language in the Page Properties.
We have supported the translations for the Menu Items in the Edit Menu dialog for the selected Language.
Switch Language In Preview
You can also switch the Language in the Quick Preview.
Quick Navigation In Language List
In the Add Language dialog, you can quickly navigate to the Language group by pressing the first letter of the Language Name.
We have added presets for the Menu Element to help new users start using the Mega Menu.
Website Publish Optimization
In Nicepage 4.12 on June 2, 2022, we changed the Website Publishing mechanism for the new projects. In this update, we have also implemented it for the existing ones.
Unlike all files before, the process will be notably faster from the second publishing, as the uploading will take only the changed files. It makes large project publishing more stable. And in case the connection breaks, the publishing restarts from the last point.
Localization Update
We are very thankful to our community, especially those contributing to language translations. We have added the new Ukrainian translation for the Nicepage Editor.
Ready To Help With UI Translating?
If you found a mistake or want to add a translation to new updates, you can help us with that. Please read more here.
Fixed Issues
- Invalid Editor frame while dragging a selection containing an Icon
- Invalid cell frame in the Editor while changing the Cell Width
- Invalid cell frame in the Editor while changing the Cell Gap
- Invalid HTML export from the Online Editor
- Invalid shape of the circle box after increasing the volume for the inserted text
- Invalid shading of the Modal Popup mode while zooming in the Editor
- Adding and deleting the Full-Width blocks to My Block Library
- Malfunctioning of the Custom Font in the Rich Text Element
- Malfunctioning of the duplicated Page, breaking the Theme Settings in the Mac OS Application
- Cutting off the CSS code in the HTML Element during the export
- Invalid publishing of the Image added after deleting
- Invalid Name of the published Multi-Language Page
- Invalid publishing of the imported Social Icons and Image elements
- Invalid display of the logo in the Desktop Application
- Invalid display of the Presets for the Header or Footer after applying the first preset
- Invalid scrolling of the Editor while selecting Elements in the Outline
- Malfunctioning of the Image Fit for the Gallery Element
- Invalid resizing while changing the Image
- Malfunctioning of the selection of the Menu element while adding the Grid Cell Gap in the Header
- Invalid extra space between Blocks in the Editor on some user projects
- Invalid selection of element while holding the Shift key
- Malfunctioning of the message display after submitting the Contact Form in the Modal Popup
- Processor overloading while using the Video element on some user projects
- Closing the Mega Menu Popup while dragging the inserted Image
- Broken CSS while exporting some user projects
- Malfunctioning of the Font Weight from the List applied to the selected text in the Text element
- Invalid positioning of the elements inserted to the Header in the Mobile Views on some user projects
- Invalid Menu Links to the deleted Pages on the Dashboard
- Invalid publishing of the inserted Image element on some user projects
- Online Editor: Publishing with the invalid CSS resulted in site crashes
- Online Editor: Cutting off the Background Images while exporting a Project
- Online Editor: Invalid Project imported to the Application exported from the Online Editor
- WordPress: invalid Search Results page on some user projects
- WordPress: malfunctioning of the email sending with the Nicepage Script
- WordPress and Joomla 3: Invalid Menu after importing the Theme
Block and Page Designs
We have created new block and page designs up to this update.
## What's New in This Update?
- Multi-Language Sites In WordPress And Joomla
- Add language Element With Plugins
- Edit Translations In WordPress And Joomla
- Preview Translated Pages
- Language Layouts
- Language Layout Property
- Language Text Styling
- Language Dropdown Styling
- Language SEO Options
- Menu Item Text Translation
- Switch Language In Preview
- Undo / Redo For Language Element
- Quick Navigation In Language List
- Mega Menu Presets
- Localization Update
- Website Publishing Optimization
- New Block and Page Designs
## Multi-Language Sites In WordPress And Joomla (Beta)
We have added support for the Multi-Language Sites in the Nicepage WordPress Plugin and Joomla Extension. We will implement the Language element support in the Online Editor in future updates.
## Add language Element With Plugins
You can add the Language Element with the WordPress Plugin and Joomla Extension.
## Edit Translations In WordPress And Joomla
Like the Applications, you can now edit translations with the WordPress Plugin and Joomla Extension.
## Preview Translated Pages
You can also preview and test our pages and articles in WordPress and Joomla.
## Language Layouts
We have added the new layouts for the Language Element, which you can use in your designs.
### Language Layout Property
You can switch the Language Layout in the Property Panel for the selected Language element in the Header or Footer.
### Language Text Styling
You can change the Text and Spacing Properties in the Property Panel for the Horizontal Language layouts.
You can also change the Spacing between the used Languages.
### Language Dropdown Styling
You can change the Item and Dropdown Properties in the Property Panel for the Dropdown List layouts of the Language Element.
## Language SEO Options
You can now set the SEO options for each added site language in the Page Properties.
## Menu Item Text Translation
We have supported the translations for the Menu Items in the Edit Menu dialog for the selected Language.
## Switch Language In Preview
You can also switch the Language in the Quick Preview.
## Quick Navigation In Language List
In the Add Language dialog, you can quickly navigate to the Language group by pressing the first letter of the Language Name.
## Mega Menu Presets
We have added presets for the Menu Element to help new users start using the Mega Menu.
## Website Publish Optimization
In [Nicepage 4.12](page:271235) on June 2, 2022, we changed the Website Publishing mechanism for the new projects. In this update, we have also implemented it for the existing ones.
Unlike all files before, the process will be notably faster from the second publishing, as the uploading will take only the changed files. It makes large project publishing more stable. And in case the connection breaks, the publishing restarts from the last point.
## Localization Update
We are very thankful to our community, especially those contributing to language translations. We have added the new Ukrainian translation for the Nicepage Editor.
## Ready To Help With UI Translating?
If you found a mistake or want to add a translation to new updates, you can help us with that. [Please read more here](page:287902).
## Fixed Issues
- Invalid Editor frame while dragging a selection containing an Icon
- Invalid cell frame in the Editor while changing the Cell Width
- Invalid cell frame in the Editor while changing the Cell Gap
- Invalid HTML export from the Online Editor
- Invalid shape of the circle box after increasing the volume for the inserted text
- Invalid shading of the Modal Popup mode while zooming in the Editor
- Adding and deleting the Full-Width blocks to My Block Library
- Malfunctioning of the Custom Font in the Rich Text Element
- Malfunctioning of the duplicated Page, breaking the Theme Settings in the Mac OS Application
- Cutting off the CSS code in the HTML Element during the export
- Invalid publishing of the Image added after deleting
- Invalid Name of the published Multi-Language Page
- Invalid publishing of the imported Social Icons and Image elements
- Invalid display of the logo in the Desktop Application
- Invalid display of the Presets for the Header or Footer after applying the first preset
- Invalid scrolling of the Editor while selecting Elements in the Outline
- Malfunctioning of the Image Fit for the Gallery Element
- Invalid resizing while changing the Image
- Malfunctioning of the selection of the Menu element while adding the Grid Cell Gap in the Header
- Invalid extra space between Blocks in the Editor on some user projects
- Invalid selection of element while holding the Shift key
- Malfunctioning of the message display after submitting the Contact Form in the Modal Popup
- Processor overloading while using the Video element on some user projects
- Closing the Mega Menu Popup while dragging the inserted Image
- Broken CSS while exporting some user projects
- Malfunctioning of the Font Weight from the List applied to the selected text in the Text element
- Invalid positioning of the elements inserted to the Header in the Mobile Views on some user projects
- Invalid Menu Links to the deleted Pages on the Dashboard
- Invalid publishing of the inserted Image element on some user projects
- Online Editor: Publishing with the invalid CSS resulted in site crashes
- Online Editor: Cutting off the Background Images while exporting a Project
- Online Editor: Invalid Project imported to the Application exported from the Online Editor
- WordPress: invalid Search Results page on some user projects
- WordPress: malfunctioning of the email sending with the Nicepage Script
- WordPress and Joomla 3: Invalid Menu after importing the Theme
## Block and Page Designs
We have created [new block and page designs](https://nicepage.com/html-templates) up to this update.