What's New in This Update?

  • Site Search
    • Add Search Element
    • Publish Site
    • Test Search Results
  • Search PageTemplate
  • Instant Preview
  • Manage Spam On Leads
  • New Page Large Preview
  • Submit to Google Sheet Improved
  • Issue Resolution
  • New Block and Page Designs

Site Search (Beta)

We have introduced Site Search, which is in Beta. Now, you can get search results for sites published on Nicepage hosting and exported as HTML. Previously, the search results display was supported only in WordPress and Joomla.

In this update, the results are output for pages. We plan to support search results for Posts and Products in future updates.


Add Search Element

To use this feature for your HTML or published Site, add the Search Element to the Header or Footer.

In WordPress and Joomla, this Element will use pre-built CMS Search features.


Publish Site

Publish the Site with the added Search Element to the Header.


Test Search Results

After publishing, open the Site, enter the search keyword, and get results.


Search Page Template

We have implemented the new Search Page Template to output search results. This template is on the Templates Panel of the Quick Access Pane.

You can now edit and export this template for HTML and sites hosted on Nicepage. Future updates will include export to WordPress and Joomla.


Instant Preview

We have implemented the Instant Preview directly in the Editor. You can hide and show the Page Navigator, Property Panel, selections, and frames by clicking on the gray area outside the blocks.


Manage Spam On Leads

This update lets you better manage your Leads. We have added a link allowing you to mark the lead as Spam. By clicking the Not Spam link, you can mark the leads you have added to Spam by mistake on the Spam tab.


New Page Large Preview

We have added the Large Preview to the New Page and New Site dialogs, allowing you to preview the template details more clearly.


Submit to Google Sheet Improved

We have improved the Contact From submission to Google Sheets, increasing the available columns to 250.


Issue Resolution

  • Invalid publish of the deleted pages in the Online builder
  • Invalid display of the Folder URL Format in the Export dialog for non-HTML options
  • Invalid display of the Save Style menu in the Property Panel after the save
  • Invalid coloring of the premium message on the Top Bar
  • Invalid display of the Close icon for the Convert to Grid Repeater dialog
  • Invalid display of the template ideas after generating with the AI Builders
  • Invalid display of the generating preloader for the AI Builders
  • Invalid display of the Instagram icon after adding the Social Icons Element
  • Invalid display of the section for the Block Move step Getting Started Interactive tutorial
  • Invalid template display by the time parameter in the New SitSitealog and Site
  • Invalid coloring of the default ideas generated with the AI Builders
  • Invalid misuse of Recaptcha on some user websites
  • Invalid display of the Blog Styles property in the Property Panel
  • Invalid display of the Post Styles property in the Property Panel
  • Malfunctioning of the login with Facebook on some user websites
  • Malfunctioning of the submission to Google Sheets in some user projects
  • Malfunctioning of the FTP Upload for some user projects
  • Malfunctioning of the Publish operation for some user projects
  • WordPress: Malfunctioning of the width variations on some user websites
  • WordPress: Malfunctioning of Getting Started Interactive tutorial
  • WordPress: Invalid display of the Getting Started tutorial dialog
  • WordPress: Invalid display of the Shadow for the Hamburger Menu on some user websites

Block and Page Designs

We have created new block and page designs up to this update.


## What's New in This Update? - Site Search - Add Search Element - Publish Site - Test Search Results - Search PageTemplate - Instant Preview - Manage Spam On Leads - New Page Large Preview - Submit to Google Sheet Improved - Issue Resolution - New Block and Page Designs ## Site Search (Beta) We have introduced Site Search, which is in Beta. Now, you can get search results for sites published on Nicepage hosting and exported as HTML. Previously, the search results display was supported only in WordPress and Joomla. In this update, the results are output for pages. We plan to support search results for Posts and Products in future updates. !site-search.jpg! ### Add Search Element To use this feature for your HTML or published Site, add the Search Element to the Header or Footer. In WordPress and Joomla, this Element will use pre-built CMS Search features. !add-search-element.png! ### Publish Site Publish the Site with the added Search Element to the Header. !publish-site-search.png! ### Test Search Results After publishing, open the Site, enter the search keyword, and get results. !test-search-results.png! ## Search Page Template We have implemented the new Search Page Template to output search results. This template is on the Templates Panel of the Quick Access Pane. You can now edit and export this template for HTML and sites hosted on Nicepage. Future updates will include export to WordPress and Joomla. !search-template.png! ## Instant Preview We have implemented the Instant Preview directly in the Editor. You can hide and show the Page Navigator, Property Panel, selections, and frames by clicking on the gray area outside the blocks. !instant-preview.gif! ## Manage Spam On Leads This update lets you better manage your Leads. We have added a link allowing you to mark the lead as Spam. By clicking the Not Spam link, you can mark the leads you have added to Spam by mistake on the Spam tab. !spam-not-spam-leads.gif! ## New Page Large Preview We have added the Large Preview to the New Page and New Site dialogs, allowing you to preview the template details more clearly. !new-site-large-preview.png! ## Submit to Google Sheet Improved We have improved the Contact From submission to Google Sheets, increasing the available columns to 250. !submit-to-google-sheets-improved.jpg! ## Issue Resolution - Invalid publish of the deleted pages in the Online builder - Invalid display of the Folder URL Format in the Export dialog for non-HTML options - Invalid display of the Save Style menu in the Property Panel after the save - Invalid coloring of the premium message on the Top Bar - Invalid display of the Close icon for the Convert to Grid Repeater dialog - Invalid display of the template ideas after generating with the AI Builders - Invalid display of the generating preloader for the AI Builders - Invalid display of the Instagram icon after adding the Social Icons Element - Invalid display of the section for the Block Move step Getting Started Interactive tutorial - Invalid template display by the time parameter in the New SitSitealog and Site - Invalid coloring of the default ideas generated with the AI Builders - Invalid misuse of Recaptcha on some user websites - Invalid display of the Blog Styles property in the Property Panel - Invalid display of the Post Styles property in the Property Panel - Malfunctioning of the login with Facebook on some user websites - Malfunctioning of the submission to Google Sheets in some user projects - Malfunctioning of the FTP Upload for some user projects - Malfunctioning of the Publish operation for some user projects - WordPress: Malfunctioning of the width variations on some user websites - WordPress: Malfunctioning of Getting Started Interactive tutorial - WordPress: Invalid display of the Getting Started tutorial dialog - WordPress: Invalid display of the Shadow for the Hamburger Menu on some user websites ## Block and Page Designs We have created [new block and page designs](https://nicepage.com/html-templates) up to this update. [!new-designs-618.jpg!](https://nicepage.com/html-templates)