Ask a Question Website access

I am thinking of purchasing the pro version to design websites for a local pub and choir. If I purchased the pro version and they each purchased the basic version when I had designed and uploaded...
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Latest By Support Team

19 May 2024

Started 18 May 2024 by

Ask a Question Modal Pop-up - Single pop-up

I have created a pop-up set to "on page exit". This feature works great; however, I am wondering if it is possible to only have the pop-up appear once per visit and not "pester" site visitors every...
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Latest By steve381

18 May 2024

Started 18 June 2021 by seckhart

Wishlist out of stock

Is there a way to manage quantity of an item (inventory) so that when the last item is purchased, the out of stock gets selected automatically?
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Latest By Support Team

18 May 2024

Started 18 May 2024 by nmdemolay

Ask a Question Statystyki witryny

Gdzie w programie WordPress należy umieścić adres witryny aby była ona śledzona przez statystyki programu. Aktualnie otwiera mi się strona statystyk z napisem "nieznana witryna".
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Latest By Support Team

18 May 2024

Started 18 May 2024 by bora57

Ask a Question Lifetime License Ultimate Plan

Hello, I want to buy an Ultimate Plan Lifetime license, but I have some questions about it: 1. Addiotional Licenses are lifetime functional? 2. White Label, Is a lifetime functionality or it just...
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Latest By Support Team

18 May 2024

Started 17 May 2024 by oasb19922

Ask a Question Removing H1 From Wordpress Grid

How do I remove or hide H1 from showing on Grid WordPress homepage.
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Latest By Support Team

18 May 2024

Started 17 May 2024 by ayodejiwordpress

Wishlist Multi Language and PDFs

Good Morning Many thanks for this new functionality. Work pretty well. Just one issue regarding the link to PDFs. Nicepage is looking for a file under . This is fine...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

18 May 2024

Started 26 June 2022 by OlivierG

Wishlist Nicepage direct feature: WP page caching

I find that I struggle finding the right caching plugins that consistently work well with Nicepage. Please consider a built-in cache module, or at least a separate plugin for cache that works well...
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Latest By Support Team

18 May 2024

Started 16 May 2024 by newline

Wishlist Question about Blocks

If I saved a block that I want repeated on each page, is there an easy way to do it (without copying and pasting)? If not, if I make a change to that block, is there a way I can get it to update the...
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Latest By Support Team

17 May 2024

Started 17 May 2024 by simplyupromotions

Ask a Question The latest PC desk. application will not. load.

After installing 6.10. version of the Windows desktop applications. I just get a loading. for about five seconds. Then it goes to air loading. It will not load.. I'm right in the middle of our project...
3 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By carlfarring

17 May 2024

Started 17 May 2024 by carlfarring

Ask a Question Images just stopped showing from nicepage after upload

I didn't do anything, they just aren't there now
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Latest By Support Team

17 May 2024

Started 10 May 2024 by randy.gartman

Report a bug Grid photos are for desktop only, any grids added will look terrible on mobile. Absolutely pointless

Ive just spent an entire day adding a services page with grid photo albums to find that the mobile version of the page is inadequate for purpose. The grids are only looking good on web , it is...
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Latest By Support Team

17 May 2024

Started 17 May 2024 by jayden.harley.elworthy

Ask a Question Cookie Consent Popup

Dear Support, The current Cookie Consent Popup is nice, but if the user has chosen (for example accepted the cookies) They cannot change this choice. (This is required by law.) I need a solution to...
2 Replies
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Latest By janosbenko

17 May 2024

Started 17 May 2024 by janosbenko

Ask a Question Nicepage not loading

Hi, my Desktop version of Nicepage is not loading.
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Latest By Support Team

17 May 2024

Started 17 May 2024 by info5338

Ask a Question Nicepage hangs at the start of 6.10

I have just installed the latest update 6.10 and Nicepage unfortunately hangs at the very beginning, displaying the information in the middle: Loading... and after a long while: An error has occurred....
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Latest By Support Team

17 May 2024

Started 17 May 2024 by grafkomjanow