Ask a Question FAQ and Accordion Block are the same? isn't it?

FAQ and Accordion Block are the same? isn't it?
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Latest By Support Team

26 April 2021

Started 24 April 2021 by Jordan Webmaster

Ask a Question I want to get a direct link to specific question in a FAQ list.

I want to get a direct link to specific question in a FAQ list.
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Latest By Support Team

26 April 2021

Started 24 April 2021 by Jordan Webmaster

Ask a Question light shading on picture

Is it possible to create a light shading on a photo. When you change the picture to background and click on shade I can't change the color. But when I change this to (collapse background to image)...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

30 April 2021

Started 24 April 2021 by info43752

Report a bug esportazione file

domanda in riferimento al progetto "site1" vedo correttamente l'anteprima del sito, ma quando lo esporto e carico online non combacia nulla
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Latest By MerlinAZ

24 April 2021

Started 24 April 2021 by

Ask a Question Copy and pasting a table

I'm sure there's a way but I'm having trouble simply copying a table from a Word or Excel document and pasting it into block. What am I missing?
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Latest By jim4772

26 April 2021

Started 24 April 2021 by jim4772

Ask a Question Import project from wordpress online theme

Hi all, I have lost all my offline Nicepage projects. The only thing i have is .zip themes that do not contain the project. I also have the online website (wordpress) where I can edit the pages. Is...
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Latest By Support Team

26 April 2021

Started 24 April 2021 by osta

Ask a Question Edycja strony

Witam. Mam taki problem. Zrobiłem w Nicepage stronę, powiesiłem na serwerze i niestety usunąłem projekt z programu. Mam tylko pliki na serwerze - czy jest możliwość zapisania ich w taki sposób żeby...
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Latest By MerlinAZ

24 April 2021

Started 24 April 2021 by wojtunikas2

Ask a Question Blog Images appear to be broken

When I change the main stock image in a blog to a custom image and then preview the page in chrome, ie, or edge it reverts to the stock image. I have tried clearing the browser cache and that doesn't...
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Latest By Support Team

26 April 2021

Started 25 April 2021 by dale682

Ask a Question Limitation of 5 personal plan sites

On a personal level, do I have the limitation of creating only 5 sites? Or do I have a limitation of keeping 5 sites saved on Nicepage for editing? Do I have the possibility to import a Nicepage...
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Latest By Support Team

25 April 2021

Started 25 April 2021 by n480va

Ask a Question Moving items in grids for each responsive view seperatly

Hi, I have a 1 row / 3 cols grid repeater. In desktop view, the most important topic needs to be the middle element of the grid, but when it comes to tablet or mobile view, the grid turns into a 3...
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Latest By Support Team

26 April 2021

Started 25 April 2021 by Kersten

Ask a Question Design Categories page

I have now fund a method to generate the categories and tag links manually, to add them into the newly from you added 2nd menu. To kinda emulate or make manually a categories menu, since nicepage...
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Latest By Support Team

27 April 2021

Started 25 April 2021 by kkip3

Ask a Question Categories Catalog Element

Hey how about adding a categories element? That ist very essential if bigger sellers want to use your software! Here is very good add-on which you can use to inspire/copy...
4 Replies
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Latest By sinanbilgin

05 September 2021

Started 25 April 2021 by kkip3

Ask a Question Symbols/Icons for Menu/Buttons or other text areas.

Right now you can use symbols/icons only on few area like cart button and casual text area. But me and I am 100% sure nearly every other user wants also to use symbols on other places. Where i miss...
12 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By walter900

26 April 2024

Started 25 April 2021 by kkip3

Ask a Question Poor image quality carousel

I want to use the carousel instead of a single picture, but when i use the carousel, the quality of the image becomes very poor. In the attachments are examples of template with single picture and...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

26 April 2021

Started 25 April 2021 by l_hendriksen

Ask a Question Hamburger Menue and Line Spacing?

On mobile my website uses the Hamburger Menue. It is a one level menue. How can I increase the line spacing? On a second level menue it is working because I can set the line spacing on it but not with...
2 Replies
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Latest By alexander_ritter

26 April 2021

Started 25 April 2021 by alexander_ritter